I hope you are all sending in your votes for the Drunk Duck Awards 2011!
Zarya's Eternity Complex has reached 50 pages! Congrats Zarya!
And at 200 pages is Culture Shock by Hawk! A much-loved longtime comic by a much-loved longtime DDer, go over and say hi. :] In addition ...
DD Awards voting, Eternity Complex and Culture Shock milestones
skoolmunkee at 12:19AM, Sept. 13, 2011Voting is open on the DD Awards 2011!
skoolmunkee at 11:36AM, Sept. 11, 2011
Niccea has opened the ballots on the Drunk Duck Awards 2011 so people can START VOTING!
Sorry there was some trouble with the link not working earlier, try this one.
mishi_hime, more DD Awards activity and participation, milestones!
skoolmunkee at 9:00AM, Sept. 2, 2011Community Spotlight, DD Awards Need YOU, Wowio update (kinda), milestones!
skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, Aug. 26, 2011Duck & Quail, contests, HotM print ad opportunity, DD Awards, Radio Play, milestones and more!
skoolmunkee at 11:21AM, June 19, 2011
VegaX has not only dug up and reposted the old Duck and Quail community mini-comics, but is inviting people to make their own! It's a great time to do so, with the imminent relaunch- we're all attached to the Duck and I'm sure you've got a ...
Lots of community stuff going on right now - get involved!
skoolmunkee at 11:14AM, June 15, 2011The Summer Art Exchange is ON! Niccea is running a summertime “secret santa” project where folks sign up and do a bit of fan art for someone- and get a bit of fan art in return! Lots of people are already on board- but the signups deadline is June 17th ...
New collaborative project, Funday Morning milestone, and Abt_Nihil's big print news!
skoolmunkee at 5:59AM, Feb. 20, 2011Genejoke has a community project announcement!
I have started a new project which i hope will become something of a community effort.
Lite Bites
It is a short story collection and I'm after contributers, be they writers or artists and of any level of ability. There are no ...
RSS for newsposts, Quackcast #8, new DDer interview and bits and bobs!
skoolmunkee at 10:51AM, Dec. 21, 2010
Why do we call Drunk Duck members “DDers” or “Drunk Duckers”? I mean, wouldn't “Ducks” (or Drunk Ducks) be simpler? I dunno. :shrug:
The Drunk Duck newsposts now have an RSS feed! Never miss a newspost with this fancy newfangled technology (okay it's been around a long time ...