THURSDAY'S FEATURE!!! --> Endless Winter

Ozoneocean at 1:48AM, April 23, 2009


Endless Winter is a dark, desperate sci-fi action story of the best kind! Lots of daring do, self sacrifice, guns blasting, double-crossing, fancy uniforms and sexy spaceships! This thing has battles, murder, revenge, drama and not much comedy, but it doesn't need it. Captain Cray and his crew of ...

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Saturday's news!

skoolmunkee at 2:14PM, April 18, 2009

I let you guys do all the talking this time!

Just writing to inform you that my comic, Art School Sub Rosa has reached 50 pages today, and as a special bonus page 50 is in colour

also my fanart competition for it is still running until May 31st ...

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Scammer/Spammer warning.

Ozoneocean at 4:20AM, April 17, 2009

Anyone getting messages from some random person saying he or she “liked your profile” or was “interested in your profile” and now wants you to contact them “privately” at their email address should delete that PQ and forget it.

I know most of you are smart and will do that ...

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DD Mafia, Milestones, and a bunch of stuff from Villain Next Door!

skoolmunkee at 12:41AM, April 16, 2009

The Drunk Duck Mafia Comic has hit 100 pages! The Mafia game is really fun, and being in the comic (which Niccea and others so generously do) is an extra bonus to playing! It's fun to read the comic and re-live the game, each one ends up being a ...

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Thursday's feature is Timeloss!

skoolmunkee at 12:40AM, April 16, 2009

As Timeloss is still pretty new, it isn't fully clear what's going on… scenes are just long enough to give a few tantalizing hints before the setting is changed and readers are dropped into a new situation. Would ‘frustratingly interesting’ be a good description? The art is fantastic ...

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Monday's feature is A Hard Boiled Detective!

skoolmunkee at 5:36AM, April 13, 2009

If you are anything like normal people, you have a fond rememberance of a specific genre of book known as Choose Your Own Adventure. A Hard Boiled Detective is a hefty slice of nostalgia-flavored cake on a modern place setting. Use links in the author's comments to make your ...

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A tiny newspost!

skoolmunkee at 5:36AM, April 13, 2009

a_star's Project Kokiro hits 300 pages on Tuesday, April 14th!

Retake surpassed 100 pages recently! I thought it was less due to all the fillers and fanart pieces I seem to remember, but it would seem they've been removed for the most part, leaving 105 or so ...

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Gorge yourself on candy and news, you say?

skoolmunkee at 12:55PM, April 11, 2009

It's that time of year again, the time when Catholics can once again eat meat or soda or whatever they've given up, and everyone can unite under the banner of eating baby-animal-shaped chocolate. Unless they don't like chocolate, in which case, they should eat something else- and ...

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The Mafia is back! (also contest and milestones)

skoolmunkee at 12:45AM, April 6, 2009

Mafia is a relatively new phenomenon here on DD, but I can personally attest that it's great fun, very engrossing, and a great way to get involved with other DDers! We feel like the games need a little more attention and some new players, so we're letting Game ...

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Monday feature -- Obscene Cuisine!

skoolmunkee at 12:11AM, April 6, 2009

Obscene Cuisine may be a first - a webcomic for restaurant staff. If you've ever worked in one, you'll sympathize with all the good (but mostly bad) things that happen to Chef and his crew. If you've never worked in food service, you can just read the comic ...

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