theorah (creator of London Underground and Illusional Beauty) brings us another stellar comic with Strangers and Friends. It begins with a lovely storybook chapter about King Vikram and his attempt to catch the tale-weaving demon Vetala. Subsequent chapter breaks also feature some old tales, however the core story is about ...
Monday Feature: Strangers and Friends
skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Aug. 29, 2011Community Spotlight, DD Awards Need YOU, Wowio update (kinda), milestones!
skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, Aug. 26, 2011Lots of super great community stuff to do!
skoolmunkee at 8:05AM, July 31, 2011Let's work on getting the community back in order and being active again! A great place to start is the DD Radio Play! ayesinback has given out the parts for the players and production is in process (exciting!!!) BUT….. they're still looking for artists to contribute to the ...
Uploading and Logging In will be disabled July 1st, 3pm (PDT). New site to launch July 5th. DETAILS
srhdt at 9:58AM, June 30, 2011Site Re-launch: The Plan
Hi everyone,
So we are now only a few days away from the scheduled relaunch of the new Duck Webcomics site.
Several of you have been wondering about the migration plan. When will it happen? What is involved? How long will it take? What happens to ...
Duck & Quail, contests, HotM print ad opportunity, DD Awards, Radio Play, milestones and more!
skoolmunkee at 11:21AM, June 19, 2011
VegaX has not only dug up and reposted the old Duck and Quail community mini-comics, but is inviting people to make their own! It's a great time to do so, with the imminent relaunch- we're all attached to the Duck and I'm sure you've got a ...
A whole slew of news! (Some of it belated, sorry!)
skoolmunkee at 10:38AM, June 5, 2011Really sorry some of this news is a bit delayed, I've been kind of busy! I'll do better, I promise! :]
Signups for Mafia XLV: Return to Townstonia are ON! And it sounds super creepy:
The village of Townstonia is in ashes. The ravens feed upon the flesh ...
Update on New Site Development
skoolmunkee at 2:14AM, May 22, 2011This was posted on Get Satisfaction, and if you click on that link you can read it there if you prefer, and you can also leave comments there.
I think there may be one thing which they forgot to add, but I'll double check with them before I say ...
Welcome back! The Assemblers is published in print! And lots of milestones!
skoolmunkee at 9:54AM, April 10, 2011Hi all, sorry these are in most cases so belated. I didn't see much point in making newsposts when the news dropdown wasn't working, because very few people would see there was a new one. And no one was sending any in really, so I guess we were ...
DrunkDuck Site Redesign Blog #3
srhdt at 10:25AM, Feb. 25, 2011Hi everyone!
Just another quick update on our progress with the DrunkDuck site rebuild. The developers are currently focused on working through backend programming of the site, with some frontend work progressing nicely as well. We're still on target to open up a public beta of the new site ...