OK, well there is A WHOLE BUNCH of news in this update, but that's not because I put it off too long this time! It's just because people have sent us a lot of news. THEY HAVE SENT A LOT!
The Drunk Duck Awards have started! Visit ...
Blah blah blah!
skoolmunkee at 10:09AM, May 25, 2007News news news news
skoolmunkee at 10:53AM, April 27, 2007Okay guys, maybe you haven't noticed but there are some awesome new features all having to do with user profiles! Just click on someone's username and you will see…
Of course this means a couple of bugs have popped up. It might take a few days to fix ...
New Interviews, Nontests, Crossover Wars, Community Projects, and Milestones!
skoolmunkee at 2:49AM, April 16, 2007What's up ducks and duckettes? I got some announcements!
Some changes are coming soon to the user pages! So keep an eye out…
There's a new Creator Interview up, and this time it's Hawk of Culture Shock!
Would you be doing your comic at all if you ...
The PQs are burning a hole in my account
Black_Kitty at 8:13PM, March 3, 2007We got a lot of news items today! To all those who sent me news: Sorry for the long wait. :(
Did you know that Wizard Magazine did a write-up about DJ Coffman's Hero By Night? Well they did! :D And you can see a scan of it in this ...
Webcartoonists' Choice Awards
skoolmunkee at 1:37AM, Jan. 30, 2007Along with many other Drunk Duck webcomics, Hero By Night Diaries is nominated for a Webcartoonist Choice Award in the category of “Outstanding Super Hero/Action Comic” …We're getting the word out to Drunk Duckers to go support one of their own by registering to vote in the awards ...
!sraey wen yppaH!
skoolmunkee at 12:05PM, Dec. 31, 2006MrColinP is announcing that his six-part miniseries
X-Heroes has been completed, and although it is over, you can still read it on Drunk Duck as well as on
its main site… which is also home to “tons of all new bonus material!” :)
MrGranger would like everyone to know that Alecto ...
News a-hoy!
Black_Kitty at 11:20PM, Dec. 3, 2006Got a lot of announcements on my hands and this be the day to announce it! I do apologize if I didn't respond to you. There was just a lot of PQs and since I'm getting really close to Christmas break, my courses have become more demanding.
I ...
Another full news day!
skoolmunkee at 10:18AM, Oct. 28, 2006Announcements!
Rumf Adventures Rumf Adventures has reached 200 strips!
Trebor Almasy's A Fairly Twisted Reality has ALSO reached its 200th comic, and is also very nearly 1 year old! (200 comics in a year? You go, man!)
donkas's comic, Beer Noodles will be 100 pages old on the ...
Boo to the yah! We've got a new update!
Volte6 at 4:11PM, Oct. 20, 2006Hey guys,
It's been a little while without a news update, so here's a quicky!
Girl/Robot is giving away buttons to those who want them! Get the details here!
D.J. Coffman has finally started putting up pages of the Hero by Night Diaries! This is sort ...
Ice-T is a reputable actor
skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, May 15, 2006YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!
The Quack!
You heard me.
Also, the Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards starts its nominations round today-ish!
Anyone with an online comic is eligible to participate, but there are some restrictions as noted in the procedures and rules documentation. However, there is no restriction on which comics can ...