today's featured comic is Action!

skoolmunkee at 12:10AM, March 3, 2008

Like any good silent comic, Action doesn't have any words. Wait, let's try that again. Action is all about action. It's a story conveyed through visuals only- but what visuals they are! The art (kinetic, striking, beautiful, scary) moves things along in this spine-tingly tale of a ...

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Comic news!

skoolmunkee at 12:09AM, March 3, 2008

crifmer's Posted has just hit 25 comics! He'd like to thank all the people still reading. :)

The very cool by TheMidge28 will post its 50th page tomorrow!

Also turning 50 this week is Pokemon Sinnoh Surfer by Walrus! The 50th comic will start out as the first page ...

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skoolmunkee demands you read the news!

skoolmunkee at 10:21AM, March 1, 2008

Just dropping by with some news that my comic, Dawnbringer, will be turning 25 pages this weekend, and to celebrate I'm posting a shiny new cover page that I worked ever so hard on.
You don't want all his hard work to go to waste, do you ...

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Today's featured comic is...

skoolmunkee at 11:14PM, Feb. 27, 2008

At every college party, there's someone who shuts themselves in the bathroom and starts throwing up. (At least, that's where you hope they do it.) In this case, it's a girl… with a sword? Who is this failed ninja and how did she end up here ...

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hot water for me!

skoolmunkee at 12:37PM, Feb. 26, 2008

I'm gonna make this quick because I intend to limp off to the bath and have Calgon take me away!

The lovely Pictures of You by Gibson Twist has posted its 200th page!

crocty's Frank and Vinny has reached its 100th page, and is also 1 year old ...

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A special plea from skoolmunkee!

skoolmunkee at 4:50PM, Feb. 23, 2008

OK guys, I'm going to reveal a secret here. A BIG one.

The average number of clicks a featured comic can expect to get (if it has a good thumbnail and blurb) is about 7,000 views its first day of being featured. In a few notable instances (recently ...

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So hot my fingers is burnin

skoolmunkee at 3:39PM, Feb. 23, 2008

humorman's comic humor has reached 25 pages, and the author would like everyone to know that he's having a contest to celebrate! Apparently his comic already spreads joy but a contest will spread even more joyousness. So, go visit the comic and enter the contest!

Cricket's Creature ...

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Hello! I am knitting!

skoolmunkee at 12:19PM, Feb. 18, 2008

Well, not this second. My hands can only do a couple things at a time.

New stuff going on in the Networking and Community forum! SkylerVane has started a group of ‘On Demand’ threads where people can advertise their services and basically get on a list of talented people who ...

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I'm here, the news is here, over hiding under this bar!

skoolmunkee at 9:49AM, Feb. 14, 2008

Keith McCleary has a big announcement! His comic Killing Tree Quarterly is being published by Terminal Press, and will debut at the NY Comic Con (April 18-20). Congrats!

Also, the book Debbie Does Dallas (it has zombies) which Keith helped color is on sale at the Terminal Press Website. Buying ...

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New Creator Interview today! LowResAtari of Mixed Bag Comics!

skoolmunkee at 1:27AM, Feb. 11, 2008

So today I place in the forums for you all to read, an interview with LowResAtari. He and I have a bit of a talk about sprite comics!

What types of things help a sprite comic stand out from the pack?

This is going to sound kind of weird talking ...

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