Hatpire doesn't pretend to be anything other than a cute wordless comic about the adventures of a vampire who wears a hat- which is what makes it so enjoyable. Hatpire has many rather tame dreams and adventures (such as becoming a pimp-pire, building a treehouse, visiting Gramp-pire, and the ...
Just a couple milestones!
skoolmunkee at 8:02AM, Jan. 17, 2009
The Bend by not_too_shabby has reached its one year anniversary!
Twilight_of_the_gods's comic Perfectly Normal Insanity has recently turned both three years old and 150 pages!
Congrats to you both!
More milestones on Monday!
A wealth of opportunity! Get interviewed, get printed, get involved!
skoolmunkee at 7:59AM, Jan. 17, 2009A wealth of opportunity! Get interviewed, get printed, get going!
Well perhaps not a ‘wealth’ (which is a non-standardized unit of measure) but at least a handful!
Small Press Idol 2009 is underway! For the uninitiated, SPI is a contest where you can submit your comic through various stages, the ...
More milestones, and a contest too!
skoolmunkee at 2:09AM, Jan. 15, 2009Man, we've had a load of milestones so far this year! I better start doing newsposts more often… Keep up all the good work guys! With all this comic-making fervor, even I might manage to get a couple pages out…
kohdok is having a create-a-cover contest for For Your ...
the many milestones of monday
skoolmunkee at 4:40AM, Jan. 12, 2009There's a lot of news today! In reverse order of my inbox:
It seems that DD user CrazyGazelle (creator of Soprano Man) has died over the weekend. Although the comic hasn't updated in a while she may still have connections here and her friends thought we should know ...
Monday feature = Retake! (this newspost is a retake...)
Ozoneocean at 12:45AM, Jan. 12, 2009
Brad Stone, world-famous actor, goes from movie-hero to the real thing overnight. As he starts down his path as Relik, a dark superhero with a past shrouded in mystery, he quickly discovers the consequences - and risks - that come with his new-found abilities, and that nothing, not even victory, is guaranteed ...
Hey guys, this newspost is a forums-stravaganza!
skoolmunkee at 3:45PM, Jan. 10, 2009I'm a cowboy, howdy howdy howdy howdy!
OK guys, the holidays are over and it's time again to start spending your free time on the internet- may I suggest the Drunk Duck Community Forums? Well too bad because I just did!
DD has always been a great site ...
milestones and FIGHTSPLOSION
skoolmunkee at 9:53AM, Jan. 8, 2009Bocaj tells me this is THE BEST NEWS EVER so I had better post it right away!
The epic FIGHTSPLOSION is beginning right about… now! (Intro pages are due any day now.)
The first rounds are starting, and bids are starting to be placed. It seems to me that ...
Thursday's featured is Mastorism!
skoolmunkee at 3:22AM, Jan. 8, 2009Thursday's featured is Mastorism!
Mastorism is a universe run by the billion-year-old Phantom Lord, a guy with amazing powers and a fiery head. He's brought peace and prosperity to the planets in his universe, with the help of his Mastor police force (who are essentially all the other ...