Traveling Back to the Beginning

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 10, 2017

Paris Street; Rainy Day, Gustave Caillebotte, The Art Institute of Chicago

In less than twenty-four hours I am going to board a plane and end up in the city of my childhood. I am returning to the Windy City because it is Spring Break and because I yearn to have ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, March 30, 2017

They say that how hands are drawn is a good indicator of the technical expertise of the artist.
Makes sense!

Hands are definitely the most varied parts of the body, capable of the most diverse configurations. Add in the always-challenging angles and forshortening and you have a very difficult hill ...

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Quackcast 316 - The Quirkcast!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 28, 2017


For this Quackcast we decided to chat about quirks- the things that stand out about a character, help you remember them, get interested in them, traits that pick them out as individuals and can ALSO be used to point at deeper character traits! These are so useful in so ...

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HyenaHell at 11:17PM, March 23, 2017

Every now and again, an acquaintance or friend who ain't as deep in comics culture and creation as I am (which is to say they ain't really got much of an idea about comics but have seen the Sunday funnies page and know that Batman is a thing ...

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Them's the rules, bub.

HyenaHell at 12:00AM, March 3, 2017

Well last week we had chaos and disruption, so reckon it's high time we reestablished some order around here. And to do that ya need rules, right?

Rules. Yeah… Oh boy.

Well fine, we ain't got to call it “rules”; we can think of it as a set ...

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When the Hero Fails

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 25, 2017

Failure is the stepping stone to success. That’s what I teach my students and my clients, and it is true, right up there with “whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”: If you learn why you failed, you won’t fail again the same way- and that brings ...

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A river in Egypt

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 23, 2017

A character will stay stuck in their ways if they can, just like a real person tends to. It takes effort to move forward and achieve things. And we resist.

In the beginning of a story, a character might feel comfortable where they are, but they are usually incomplete in ...

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Adapting Myth to Modernity (part 2)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 18, 2017

So last week I’d started talking about the reincarnation upon reincarnation of myth and legend into modern sequential and narrative art- and got some pretty insightful comments on why it persists for millennia (it is said that Euripides adapted the legend of Medea himself in order to make it ...

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Good Starts: Beginnings, again.

HyenaHell at 12:00AM, Feb. 17, 2017

Welcome back, gang! Er, can I call y'all “gang”? Is that too informal or too assumptive about your willingness for complicity in my extra curricular activities? Eh, too bad. Once you're in the gang, there's only one way out. Now, while you're letting that sink in ...

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What's It About?

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 16, 2017

ACT 2 - The Premise

It's about a guy who…

When we try to decide with our friends about seeing a movie, or surf Netflix for something to watch, or try to sell people on a movie/book/story we want them to experience, that's what we have to ...

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