New episode of She Geek up on DD sister site Pop Galaxy!

srhdt at 11:01AM, Feb. 8, 2011

Hi everyone! In an effort to be more cross-promotionally friendly with our sister site,, we'd like to let everyone know that a new episode of She Geek has gone live today! Check it out!

From the site:

She Geek Show - Episode 2
Batman Arkham City - Crysis 2 ...

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Mafia, Secret Santa, finished comics and milestones- I am full of holiday excitement!

skoolmunkee at 4:21PM, Dec. 17, 2010

What are YOU full of?

You know the drill by now guys- MAFIA SIGNUPS HAVE COME AGAIN! The Flying Green Monkey is your GM and the theme of this game is: “The Spanish Mongoose Venom has struck again. This game is basically continuing crazy games based on the said Venom ...

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Okay guys! I hope you have your special EXCITEMENT PANTS on...

skoolmunkee at 12:13PM, Oct. 1, 2010

…because today's news is PRETTY EXCITING!

I wear my excitement pants every day.

Mafia XXXV: Babes, Booze, and Bullets is taking signups! Looks like a good ol' prohibition-style gangster fun time! You know the drill - SO SIGN UP ALREADY!

CROSS WORLDS NEXXUS by shaneronzio hits 1400 pages today! 1400 ...

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Milestone Tuesday! Get your news now, it's going to be a busy week!

skoolmunkee at 11:48AM, July 20, 2010

San Diego Comic Con International is nearly upon us- so expect to see a bunch of newsposts pop up this week, reminding you about WowioTV, their ‘happy hour’ evening, and any other comic con stuff Wowio wants to share/promote I guess! This has been a busy summer for news ...

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San Diego, DWEX Auction, Mafia, Air Raid Robertson interview, B.U.G., Shades ending, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 11:30AM, July 11, 2010

Comic-Con Stuff!

You may recall from previous newsposts that Wowio will be at San Deigo Comiccon, and want DDers to get involved too! They want to know: Who else will be there, what kind of things they can do in their Friday night promo tent, and want to show your ...

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Admin Lets News Pile Up- News At Eleven

skoolmunkee at 2:17AM, Sept. 7, 2009

moverfield's EXHAUST will be ending this week at page 96… but fear not, because Bullet Mythology will be posting every day until it ends in October!

Today, Sameth's Dragon City turns a big 500, and Sameth will be posting a special comic in celebration!

Also today, Geotology by ...

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Posting Monday news on Sunday afternoon, whynot?

skoolmunkee at 9:39AM, July 19, 2009

Just like last Monday, this Monday we have a new interview up!Harkovast interviews jgib99- and here's an excerpt!

Question 6
There are a lot of naked/semi naked women in your comic, what made you decide to include that? Do you just like drawin’ em or was it ...

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Monday's featured comic is How To Be Bulletproof!

skoolmunkee at 11:37PM, Sept. 7, 2008

Monday's featured comic is How To Be Bulletproof!

In a town full of morally questionable people, one man is out for revenge. The thing is, he's dead. Another thing is, he's one of the morally questionable people. And the third thing? Well… I think you should find ...

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This salad isn't very good

skoolmunkee at 3:24PM, June 9, 2008

Monday's featured comic is Guts!

Military and psychic rescue teams arrive too late to save Lancelot unit, who are found gruesomely dead in a mansion infested with paranormal dangers. It doesn't take long for them to realize they're in way over their heads…. Compelling storyline and amazingly ...

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Monday morning, you sure looked fine...

Ozoneocean at 7:54AM, May 19, 2008

Skool is away doing fun stuff in Italy with Italian people, So I get to make the news title again. -psst- Fleetwood Mac :P

Today's Feature is Bulletproof
“In Junction City, there are men and women with strange powers and abilities, the Omega Humans. Ostracised by society, many turn ...

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