Good evening ladies and germs! How are you all doing tonight? Me, I'm beat! I just flew in from Pittsburgh and boy are my arms tired! I'm gonna do my best to put on a good show for you tonight though, because I have a strong work ethic ...
A bit of comic news for your holiday! Everybody be safe and have fun!
skoolmunkee at 11:09AM, Dec. 24, 2010Hey guys! Don't forget that the Drunk Duck newsposts now have an RSS feed! Get DD news right in your RSS reader!
Larry has a double announcement! firstly, sucks has reached 50 comics! Congrats! Secondly, Barry Reviews Webcomics ended earlier this week. There's not really an anti-congrats… I ...
MONDAY FEATURE -> Lavender Legend!
skoolmunkee at 2:44AM, Aug. 31, 2009
Princess Lavender has been banished since birth to a castle where males are forbidden. Her sheltered upbringing has left her more than a little childish. She has decided to take a special interest in her tall, raven-haired, extremely serious maid Felicia. However, Felicia does not really appreciate her ridiculous new ...
News on a Sunday?! Is it late or is it early? Does it matter?
skoolmunkee at 11:10AM, Feb. 1, 2009The interviews for the third round of Quack With the Ducks just keep coming in! If you haven't read them yet, you should do so- because more are on their way, and rounds 4 and 5 are getting started! You can find them all in The Interviews Forum, and ...
Today's featured comic is Anathema!
skoolmunkee at 5:31AM, Nov. 17, 2008Todayâs featured comic is Anathema!
Bernadette is a lowly (and clumsy) maid in Lord Wellesley's manor. The other maids don't like her, and are quite glad to see her sent off to a neighbouring estate… one that is reputedly populated by vampires. Although frightened, Bernadette receives some ...
Milestone, comic ending, and Monday's featured comic is Mary Sue Academy!
skoolmunkee at 4:28AM, Aug. 4, 2008If fanfiction were real, then fanfiction characters would be real… including Mary Sues, those perfectly despicable do-it-alls. And where would they come from? Why, a Mary Sue Academy of course, where they learn all their tooth-sickening traits, perfect their niche (there's even a Little Mermaid), and are unleashed upon ...