Quackcast 173 - The Marvelous Tomorrowcast!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 1, 2014


- Pic by Gunwallace

In the AMAZING world of webcomics tomorrow Chromium printing presses will print out up to 6 pages an hour!!!! In all 3 colours! Black, White AND yellow!!! For your viewing pleasure comics from many different creators are all able to be viewed AT THE SAME ...

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QUACKCAST 172 - The QuackQuiz!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 24, 2014


- Pic by me, Ozoneocean, Quizmaster.

Come on down, it's Quiz time! For this week's Quackcast we had a quiz based on DD comics, as a friendly, fun way to try and promote them… there's even a bit of Drunk Duck history mixed up in the ...

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QUACKCAST 171 - Let's do the timecast again!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 17, 2014


- Bad art by me, Ozoneocean “Frankenfueter”.

This is Banes from the future.
I've come back to warn you of a grim, grim fate that awaits us all. Please go back in time and contribute to the Quackcast on the subject of time travel. Last time, you ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Contribute to Quackcast#172: "The Marvelous World of Tomorrow"

HippieVan at 12:00AM, June 13, 2014

Special thanks to Gunwallace for this illustration - be sure to check out his comic All Unicorns to Battle Stations!
If you would like to have your art featured in a newspost, send it my way via PQ or email!

For Quackcast 172, ozoneocean and Banes are going to be talking ...

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QUACKCAST 170 - The REAL Chatcast!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 10, 2014


- Special credit to Genejoke for the art here! - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Genejoke/

Kawaiidaigakusei came up with a great idea for a call-in show… That didn’t entirely work out so we did a “Harassment show” instead, where we phoned various duckers till we could finally get ...

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QUACKCAST 169 - The Chatcast!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 3, 2014


- Special credit to Gunwallace for the art here! - http://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Gunwallace/

In this fake Chatcast, Ozoneocean and Banes receive calls from their versions of various duckers who ask many interesting questions such as “Where do you get your ideas from?”, and “Where do you get ...

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QUACKCAST 168 - MechaWeaponcast 2

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 27, 2014


Finally the last part of our Mecha and weaponry Quackcast, where we opened to the thoughts of the community to see what they had to say on the idea of developing and using weaponry and mecha in comics and how they go about it. We had some good ...

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QUACKCAST 167 - Anatomy of a Villain

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 20, 2014


Today we talk about villians! Kawaiidaigakusei made a newspost about villains that generated quite a bit of interest so Banes and I had her on to chat about them and read out some of the things our community members had to say.
Kawaii can introduce the topic in ...

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QUACKCAST 166 - Opinions on Weaponry and mecha

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 13, 2014


Continuing our theme on Mecha and weaponry in webcomics we opened the discussion to our DD creators and they had some very interesting things to say! I fact there were so many interesting contributions that we had to split it up over two Quackcasts- this being the first ...

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QUACKCAST 165 - Mecha Madness!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 6, 2014


Today Banes and I have a little talk about weaponry and mecha in webcomic- how do you come up with it? How much research do you do? Should it actually work? Is coolness the only factor to consider? How detailed do you go when you design it? how ...

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