QUACKCAST Episode 77 - MoniqueM, exceptional artist extraordinaire part 1

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 15, 2012


Today with have lottsa specials! First up we have the first part of an interview with amazing comic artist Monique MacNaughton, AKA Coydog (http://www.drunkduck.com/The_Coydog_Experience), This highly skilled Canadian woman has been drawing comics for many years and is one of my personal comic heroes ...

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Monday feature -> Thaumaturge

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Feb. 6, 2012

Wendy, the daughter of a frontier town saloon owner, is convinced that thaumaturgy is probably the coolest thing ever. She's got a thaumaturgy card, and she's determined to save up and buy a manual so she can teach herself. Sent on an errand (to get her out of ...

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Monday feature -> Good Sir Cat

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Dec. 26, 2011

The story begins with a rather gulllible knight, who is a lion, confronting an only slightly less credulous knight, who is a wolf, and advised by a somewhat devious but still fairly dumb monk, who is a mouse. Now they're all highly devout, and somehow they trick themselves into ...

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Monday feature -> The Fabled Travelers

skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, Sept. 12, 2011

The comic starts with Eli, a young boy in a tough spot: up on a stage in front of a large, grotesquely costumed audience with his head on the chopping block. Why is he there, and what has he done wrong? Eli's problems are focused around a girl named ...

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mishi_hime, more DD Awards activity and participation, milestones!

skoolmunkee at 9:00AM, Sept. 2, 2011

ozoneocean says:

Mishi Hime is a true heroine of the HTML design forum. It’s not something that we’re doing at DD anymore, but for most of the years that Mishi was active on the site she tirelessly worked to create nice HTML templates to make sure people’s ...

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List of site issues fixed 7-19-11

srhdt at 5:13PM, July 19, 2011

Hey everyone,

Bugs/Issues fixed 7-19-11:
- Bulk uploading functionality re-enabled! You should be able to upload up to 10 pages at a time now.

- Image compression has been removed for all uploaded pages moving forward, below 960px wide. We're still finalizing the best way to implement this fix for ...

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List of site issues fixed 7-18-11

srhdt at 4:06PM, July 18, 2011

Hey everyone,

Your reports on site issues you've encountered has been extremely helpful to us, and I wanted to let everyone know that we are working through the list of issues as quickly as we can to get everything resolved and running smoothly. I'm going to do a ...

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The Duck PREVIEW Site is now Live!

srhdt at 1:00PM, April 14, 2011


After months of development and a lot of hard work, the new DrunkDuck site—now just called, “The Duck”—is LIVE as a public PREVIEW.

While the new site is not yet finished, it has reached a state where we feel comfortable allowing you, the Duck ...

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DrunkDuck Site Redesign Blog #3

srhdt at 10:25AM, Feb. 25, 2011

Hi everyone!

Just another quick update on our progress with the DrunkDuck site rebuild. The developers are currently focused on working through backend programming of the site, with some frontend work progressing nicely as well. We're still on target to open up a public beta of the new site ...

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DrunkDuck Site Redesign Blog #2

srhdt at 10:59AM, Feb. 18, 2011

Hi everyone!

Just another quick update on our progress with the DrunkDuck site rebuild. The developers are currently focused on working through backend programming of the site, with some frontend work progressing nicely as well. We're still on target to open up a public beta of the new site ...

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