Mina_Lunga says:
I've got a small milestone as my comic “Inchoatica” just hit page #100!
In other news, I've mentioned this before but DD has a tumblr account! I'm managing it for now, and I'd love to help promote some DDers and the site with it ...
Inchoatica at 100 pages, and some DD tumblr stuff!
skoolmunkee at 12:01AM, March 25, 2013SECRET SANTA TIME! Also Blue Strawberry and the Voices Against Bullying Anthology
skoolmunkee at 12:24PM, Dec. 5, 2012It has begun! Reashi has started up the signup thread for this winter's Drunk Duck Secret Santa!
D-d-d did you say s-s-Secret SANTA????
2 weeks ago (because I forgot ...
Quackcast Episode 104 - Call me 24 hour comic Tom
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 4, 2012 LISTEN!
24 hour comics day was on the 20th of October! Buuuut, we dodn't cover that for the Quackcast because we were too into our halloweeeenie plans, I think… or maybe we were just being lazy, I fergit. Anyway, in this week's Quackcast we speak to someone ...
Karen's Edge turns 50!
skoolmunkee at 10:08AM, Oct. 28, 2012
Karen's Edge by jgib99, a recently-featured comic about a woman who takes it upon herself to enter another dimension in search of her hapless friends, reached 50 pages on Friday! Congrats!
QUACKCAST Episode 99 - Halloween's a commin!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 16, 2012LISTEN!
This week Banes and I are once again joined by the two lovely and talented comic creators Tantz Aerine and Pit Face. They share with us their thoughts on the upcoming phenomena of Halloween it's impact on and traditional place in web-comics annually, beasties and monsters associated ...
Quackcast Episode 83 - Naughty or Nice?
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 26, 2012LISTEN!
In comedy, funny, humour, gags, all that stuff! What's your opinion, there is always a bit of a divide between “dirty” and “clean” humour. Obviously “clean” humour has a much wider potential market, while “dirty” humour is a bit more limited in its audience potential- not generally ...
Massive milestones and A 2012 DD Radio Play Proclamation!
skoolmunkee at 5:34AM, March 7, 2012
shaneronzio's CROSS WORLDS NEXXUS has reached the 1600 page milestone! I am suitably impressed!
royduncan100's Saturday Morning (his newest project) and V.N.D. (a straight-through, no-ads backissue of Villain Next Door) have both reached the 50 pages mark! He's also done a cover for the 2012 ...
Community Spotlight, DD Awards Need YOU, Wowio update (kinda), milestones!
skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, Aug. 26, 2011The Horribles on Kindle, and Bombshell-Heroes Alliance-Holon milestones and swag!
skoolmunkee at 5:00PM, Aug. 14, 2011carolyn said:I think that's the first announcement I've seen for Kindle publishing!
Readers and fans can now subscribe
on Amazon
to get "The Horribles“ as a weekly update on their Kindle! Yes, you can now read ”The Horribles" even if you are not wirelessly connected!!
Genejoke's ...
Lots of super great community stuff to do!
skoolmunkee at 8:05AM, July 31, 2011Let's work on getting the community back in order and being active again! A great place to start is the DD Radio Play! ayesinback has given out the parts for the players and production is in process (exciting!!!) BUT….. they're still looking for artists to contribute to the ...