FEATURED COMIC --> Stringy and Mopy

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 21, 2018

This is the origin story of a superhero pair. A mysterious baby arrives from nowhere in the middle of a thunderstrom… years later an evil sexy lady dressed all in red arrives in the night to shake things up. MegaRdaniels has been developing this comic for quite a long time ...

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Love Spells and Love Potions

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 8, 2018

Love spells have been a part of literature for a long, long time. A Midsummer Night's Dream comes to mind, by that William Shakespeare fella, where a love triangle/quadrangle is made more complex when the wrong target is affected. The correction has only one dude under the spell ...

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Quackcast 360 - How did you start in webcomics?

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 6, 2018


In this Quackcast I thought we'd chat about Emma Clare's great and thoughtful topic of webcomic origin stories:
Basically, what was happening to make you start your webcomic on DD, all that stuff in your life back when you first began posting… Emma's newsposts are a ...

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The Origin Stories of Webcomics | Part 2

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 26, 2018

Last week I decided to be indulgent and explain where I came from as a webcomic creator and this week I am finishing that story, at least up to where I am now. It was so lovely reading all your comments about your origins. It is very easy to look ...

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Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 20, 2018

Congratulations Drunk Duckers! We have managed to reach our funding goal in our Indiegogo Campaign and it's still going!

You are all amazing, helping our awesome captain Ozoneocean add bells and whistles to this place to make your experience (and the readers' experience) far more fruitful and amazing!

Expect ...

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The Origin Stories of Webcomics | Part 1

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 19, 2018

For this week I decided to take a break from the usual topic of comic promotion and, instead, talk about something more personal. Every now and then I get asked how I got into webcomics and, as an inevitable follow up, where should they start. If you’ll indulge me ...

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We only need $55 dollars more till we're at our goal!

Ozoneocean at 5:24AM, Jan. 18, 2018

Please help us out ^_^

We're going build a comment notification system for DD so you can know who commented and when on which piece of art easily. And also who replied to your comments.

There are lots of cool perks ...

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Damaged Protagonists

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 18, 2018
tags: banes, best, no, of, pain, thursdays, with

A well written protagonist will generally have some flaws, starting out as an underdog of some kind, with lessons to learn and improvements to make over the course of the story.

Granted, some heroes are, well, just heroes, who are pretty much who they need to be from the beginning ...

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Quackcast 356 - READERS

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 9, 2018

*Cover image taken from work done by Emma_Clare*

READERS are a massive part of Drunk Duck! Actually readers are a huge part of ANY comic. But Drunk Duck tends to focus far more on creators than perhaps we should… This idea was inspired by a newspost of Tantz's ...

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The Dark Broadcasting Experiment

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 5, 2018

Looking for an excuse to begin a Twitter account for your webcomic? Well, I have one for you!

A recent community has dropped a pebble in the lake that is the Twitter webcomic world and has begun to make waves by dedicating the month of January to “dark broadcasting”. The ...

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