kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 21, 2024

Cometman - The Pilot: Deux Coeurs, Un Hèros (Two Souls, One Hero)

Christine La Blanc has just been taken prisoner on board pirate trader Osareeus’ spaceship. Upon contact, small and strangely dressed Christine was mistaken for a terragin, but is actually from planet Earth. Osareeus wishes to converse with Christine, who ...

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Creator Interview: Spooky Kitsune

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 17, 2024

Today's Creator Interview is all about the fantastic Spooky Kitsune! They are a recent addition to the DD family and a prolific one, with two webcomics hosted here already!

But you don't want me to tell you about it all! Let's hear it from Spooky Kitsune themselves ...

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Top Five Sci Fi Romantic Couples

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 15, 2024

It's Valentine's Day as I write this, and the day after (or many days after) when you're reading this.

Anyway, I thought I'd run down (or run up) my top five science fiction romantic couples. I don't think I've done this topic before, but ...

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Social Issues in Fantasy (Part 2)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Feb. 10, 2024

Last time I'd talked about rather superficial and/or inappropriate attempts to weave commentary on real world social issues into a fantasy or scifi world. The discussion in the comments was FANTASTIC! I urge everyone to have a look if you haven't already.

The general consensus was that ...

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Panel By Panel: Expanding the Scope

hpkomic at 8:46AM, Feb. 9, 2024

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck.

This week, I wanted to take a step away from our usual format to gather some feedback about the direction of the column and consider some additional topics that might be worth covering ...

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Creator and Creation

Banes at 12:00AM, Feb. 8, 2024

The Quackcast this week was about the idea of defining or understanding the artist by looking at the creation. It's a fascinating topic, and I had a few thoughts that were left on the cutting room floor.

The cutting room floor, in this case, is my emptyish brain wot ...

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Quackcast 673 - By their deeds you shall know them

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 6, 2024

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Or TuneinRadio - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Books–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

Art Vs the Artist part 2
Here we're fulfilling the promise of Quackcast 671 and examining what the art can tell us about the artist! Can certain themes, an art style, choice of imagery, jokes, humour ...

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Bravo1102’s Interstellar Battle Girls Blazes to 250 Milestone; HawkandFloAdventure’s Phantom Force 3000 Book Cover Released; JohnCelestri Completes Book One of Bloodwing Fire Fist Angel

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 5, 2024

Photo: “Second round All-seeing and The Federation page 246”. Interstellar Battle Girls created by bravo1102. (January 2024)

Message Regarding Interstellar Battle Girls

Time: 07:24AM
Day: 30 January 2024

Subject: Interstellar_Battle_Girls has reached 250 pages

Bravo1102 writes:

Amazingly the auto text suggested Interstellar_Battle_Girls reaching 150 pages. Well it has now ...

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Little Bigger and Encephalitis

lothar at 8:00PM, Feb. 2, 2024


——–Little Bigger and Encephalitis—————-
This is the story of a couple of ladies that live in a big deer that is presumably made of wood. one day a talking turd comes to their house for some reason. and because of their desire to punch something everyday they kick his ass ...

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Quackcast 672 - Fave Fantasy Creatures

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 30, 2024

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Or TuneinRadio - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Books–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

A fun topic this time. We decided to chat about our fave fantasy creatures. Mine was elves, Banes' had the bigfoot and Tantz had dragons! We chat about where our love started, why we think we like ...

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