Thoughts While on a Holiday Far from Home

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 3, 2014

I started drawing webcomics around the same year I diagnosed myself with a case of wanderlust, which is the strong desire to travel or explore the world. Years later, with no cure in sight, I am still traveling and typing this newspost from a hotel suite during my vacation. It ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Happy Birthday to The Pirate Balthasar!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 31, 2014

dedasaur's The Pirate Balthasar is turning four this month!

The Pirate Balthasaar is one of the best loved comics on DrunkDuck, and is definitely on its way to becoming a true DD Classic. It also boasts an impressive archive of over 1500 pages!

Quackcast Contributions

Oz and Banes need ...

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Milestones and Mega Milestones: Culture Shock Reaches 400 Pages, The KAMics Reaches 1450 Pages, Charby the Vampirate Turns Ten Years Old on TheDuck

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 27, 2014


Charby the Vampirate by Amelius

Longtime DrunkDuck veteran, Amelius, is celebrating the 10th Year Web Anniversary for her outstanding masterpiece, Charby the Vampirate. This comic is the perfect example of how dedication and persistence pays off while drawing a webcomic. The art in Charby the Vampirate has evolved ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - Lite Bites Returns

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 24, 2014

Genejoke is bringing back Lite Bites, and he's looking for contributions!

Lite Bites is a community comic which features short stories from various DDers. If you want to contribute a script, a completed short comic, a single page comic, or if you're interested in doing some writing or ...

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Let's Do the Drunk Duck Time Warp Again!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 20, 2014

This year marks the 12th Year Anniversary of Drunk Duck, and many original Ducks are hitting the 10th year anniversary mark for their comic. I always think that the early days were before my time so I used the Wayback Machine to see what I missed ten years ago. It ...

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HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 17, 2014
tags: awards, drunk, duck, up, wrap

After lots of planning and hard work on the part of many DDers, the last of the 2013 Drunk Duck Awards were given out this week. Acceptance Speeches and other Extras will be accepted until January 24th, and can be PQed to Niccea or emailed to 2013awards(at)justnopoint(dot ...

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The Return of Drunk Duck, The 2013 Drunk Duck Awards Part IV, and Times Like This hits the 700th page Milestone!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 13, 2014

As of last weekend, The Duck Webcomics has finally reacquired the URL for What this means is that any broken links leading to will automatically redirect to

This is beneficial for any users that have been unaware the site ...

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FRIDAY NEWSPOST - The Drunk Duck Awards Part III

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Jan. 10, 2014

The awards continue!

Wow, most of this week's awards were taken by a single comic! A rather surprising one, too…click the links below to find out who the big winner was!
Also be sure to have a look at the nominees, as there are plenty of amazing comics ...

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Twas the Night Before the Newspost

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 23, 2013

Twas the night before the Newspost, when all through The Duck
Not a creature was posting, well, maybe a Canuck.

Hey Party People!
I was browsing through the General Discussion board on The Duck forums when I came across this posting:
“Is it time for seasonal avatars? I think it ...

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Hippie Van's testing page

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Dec. 20, 2013

Hey everyone! And farewell, also.

When I started writing this newspost I went looking for the first one I ever did. It turns out it was in November of 2013 - that’s over three years of Friday newsposts! I don’t think I’ve ever kept a paying job that ...

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