Friday's interview: BffSatan interviews DarkChibiShadow of Wires, Life-Death and many others!

skoolmunkee at 9:23AM, Feb. 13, 2009

Hello all! In case you have been in a DD-News-Cave, I have been posting Quack With The Ducks interviews every day! Without further ado, here is today's!

BffSatan interviews DarkChibiShadow of Wires, Life-Death and many others!

I'll take a break from posting more interviews over the weekend (but ...

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A new creator interview is up, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:32PM, Jan. 21, 2009

Hey all! Earlier this week I announced the Quack With the Ducks community project, where you all interview each other… well the first one has come back ALREADY, and you should all go read it! Harkovast interviews Kohdok!

heymelby's Chad the Fat Kid hits 100 on Friday!

Also on ...

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Milestones, comic ending, and a new rivalry! gasp!

skoolmunkee at 3:43AM, Dec. 21, 2008

Rock, Paper, Cynic by The Real Macabre reached 25 pages last Thursday! Sorry I'm kinda late :)

QSAMA's Girl Jesus (like boy Jesus but without the beard I hope) has reached 50 pages!

On Friday, worstcase's A Pathos of Kittens reached 25 pages!

Smiling Platypus
Asteroid of Doom ...

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skoolmunkee's rules for success

skoolmunkee at 11:32AM, Nov. 16, 2008

skoolmunkee's rules for success

1. Get out of the house

Morning Squirtz by slimredninja &co. is getting an “artist spotlight” from Hustler Humor in their next issue, featuring 4 of their comics! Keep an eye out for that! (If you're old enough to buy it- or at least ...

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I totally started this before Ozone posted his but it took a long time to put together because there

skoolmunkee at 3:21AM, Nov. 10, 2008

Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups!

Crossover High by Maverik & co. has been on Drunk Duck for a year! We're glad to have you. :)

JP's Bearly Abel has hit the 25 page mark! Congrats on the first milestone!

The following comics are 50 pages old!

Awesome by therealtj (and ...

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Saturday is milestone day!

skoolmunkee at 11:55AM, Aug. 16, 2008

Today we have several comics reaching 50 pages- congrats to you guys!

Off Hours, a DD community project, is one of those reaching 50 pages- and is only 11 pages away from chapter 1's conclusion! Everyone participating in this project has done a great job, it's a feat ...

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Minor site glitch - users/comics access problems

SpANG at 3:40PM, July 31, 2008

Hey everyone. There seems to have been a minor problem with DD, causing some users to have the wrong security settings.

We think we have it all straightened out, but there may be some Moderators out there without Moderator access, some users may have PQs restricted, frozen comics, etc.

http ...

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more community interviews! woo!

skoolmunkee at 3:49AM, April 9, 2008

Two more creator interviews! These are pretty good ones, guys! (Well, they're all pretty good). From Tuesday, we have TheMidge28 ( interviewing Bocaj (Laugh Out Loud Zombies)!

If you could create your own martial art, what would you call it and what would be your one forbidden move which you ...

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skoolmunkee at 2:55AM, March 27, 2008

Did I say nudes? I meant, news. Gotcha!

Hyperactive Comics is turning the big 175! If it were a person it would totally be dead by now! But it isn't, so uh… it's not dead.

Wings of a God by RDraconis has reached 25 pages!

spacehamster's Bulletproof ...

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New Creator Interview is up! mina_lunga of Gnoph!

skoolmunkee at 4:36AM, March 17, 2008

New Creator Interview is up! mina_lunga of Gnoph!

Where we talk about monstrous parasites and also fantasy worlds. Please not that monstrous parasites are NOT necessarily fantasy, some pretty disgusting parasites are out there. Like that one that becomes a fish tongue, ew.

Too much exposition is the bane of ...

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