We have all talked of and considered character archetypes when designing and building characters.
There are many sets to pick from and it's not really a shocker that most of them, if not all, have their roots at psychology. (I'm looking at you, Carl Jung)
Far be it ...
Quackcast 329 - Character Archetypes, the Jung ones!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 27, 2017
Character Archetypes,
featured comic,
featured theme,
Forest Reckoning,
Quackcast 329,
Tantz Aerine,
The Dark Crusader,
the Jung ones,
Webcomics community
Art from Wikipedia
Welcome to the the yungle
Characters make or break a story. In this quackcast Tantz Aerine brings all her skills as a head-shrink to bear and gives us the low-down on Jungian character archetypes! Jung was a clever Swiss bloke, a contemporary of that strange fellow ...
The Character Archetypes (Jungian Archetypes Part 5)
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 17, 2017
So we come to the end of this long litany of presentations on Jung’s assorted archetypes that craftsmen of the narrative arts have used since time immemorial to weave their yarns.
And what better way to end with the crowning jewel in every story, from books to movies to ...
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