Inspiration strikes! A new idea forms, and you're really excited about it. You want to take your time, however– you want this to be great, and no great thing just springs fully formed from one's brow. For years you toil, tweak, refine, moving ever closer to the point ...
Convergent Creation
Amelius at 1:15PM, Dec. 9, 2018Quackcast 328 - How to get people to read your comic!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 20, 2017 LISTEN!
Art by Ozoneocean
Today we're going to chat about how you go about getting more readers on Drunk Duck for your webcomic! Hyena hell did an amazing newspost about it for us, outlining all the ways you can increase your audience here on DD in her fantastic, colourful ...
READ MY COMIC DAMN IT! (A "how to" guide)
HyenaHell at 12:00AM, June 16, 2017
Well hell, long time no see huh? I'd like to say I'm back from my, er, break all rejuvenated and refreshed and what have ya but honestly it's damn near midnight and I'm running on three hours of sleep that I managed to eek out on ...
Quackcast 325 - walk the line
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 30, 2017 LISTEN!
Art by Ozoneocean
In this Quackcast we cover the Importance of good linework in comics and different line techniques such as Herge's Ligne claire, the traditional thick line for characters and thin for everything else as exemplified in the work of Mucha, variable line widths as in Manga ...
Gambling Online in the Webcomics
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 26, 2017Gambling Online in the Webcomics
When you hear the term “online gambling”, the first thing you probably think of is a drooling addict spending all money he can get his virtual hands on at the slots. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Of course, there are people with ...
HyenaHell at 12:00AM, May 19, 2017
As all y'all probably are well aware, I am a hilarious genius. All cartoonists are hilarious geniuses; we have to be! Well, half the time anyway- the other half we spend hating ourselves and overcompensating for our inadequacies. It's a storied and well-documented tradition dating back to the ...
The Comedy Plot, Toolbox Edition (part two)
Banes at 12:00AM, May 18, 2017Welcome to part two of a twenty-seven part series about outlining simple comedy plots!
Who is the Hero
What Does the Hero Want?
The Door Opens
The Hero Takes Control
So last week we went over the first two items. A particular character who wants something on a surface level ...
Quackcast 323 - A space of your own
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 16, 2017 LISTEN!
Drawing in public can be a pain! You really need to find somewhere comfortable, with lots of space, good lighting, and the right atmosphere to be able to settle down and work on your drawings… It can be tricky to find just the right posy. But it also depends ...
HyenaHell at 12:00AM, May 12, 2017
Hey there, gang! Here we are again, another Friday, another ramshackle collection of anecdotes and tangents in the guise of comix-related blogging from yours truly! This week we're gonna jump right into another exciting episode of “aw, crap, well lemme think… what have I been up to recently? I ...
HOME v. AWAY: where to work?
HyenaHell at 12:00AM, May 5, 2017
Typically I work on my comics and illustration at home in my studio. I know I'll have everything I need on hand, for one. Also I hate and mistrust almost everyone and everything, as working in the service industry for the majority of my adult life has left me ...