Ozoneocean at 12:00PM, Sept. 3, 2021

The new page organisation feature is finally live. it's been freely open to test for ages but now it's finaly time for it to be rolled out. I've paid our programmer and it's on the site! ^_^

What does it mean?
Well, you can drag ...

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Copyright and you

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 19, 2019

Copyright! What is it?

You’ve heard of it I’m sure. Do you know what it is? I’ll explain: it gives you rights over things that you’ve created so others can’t just steel your hard work and use it for themselves. It doesn’t apply to ...

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What IS a Quackcast anyway?

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 1, 2017

Every week I do a newspost about “this week's Quackcast”, but what IS that?
Well, it's pretty simple: it's the official Drunk Duck podcast!
We've been recording these every week (pretty much) since 2010! We talk about the site, drawing, comicing, story and writing techniques, pop-culture ...

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Spreading the word!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 2, 2017

It's no exaggeration to say that Drunk Duck AKA The Duck Webcomics, has a bit of an image problem. The trouble with Wowio and the site losing funding back in 2011 etc left us with a bad reputation, we had unfixed bugs, unfinished features, we lost data, and we ...

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Digital drawing

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Dec. 8, 2016

Art by Ozoneocean, page of my recent update

I'm using Banes' newspost absence to talk about digital media. Here's an intro of sorts. I'll talk more in coming weeks

I'm a self taught artist who got formal training. I started out drawing with paper and pencil ...

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Holiday Time!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 14, 2016

Hello my lovelies!
Ozoneocean here, one of the admins of DD… But most people know that already :D

Hippie Van usually posts news today but she can't right now so a quick word from me instead!
I am going away today for two weeks to travel in Thailand and ...

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