It’s time for another Character Deep Dive, this within the amazing political war thriller The Second Crimean War by the awesome and proliferate The Doodler!
The Second Crimean War is an alternate history webcomic, of a different 1995 where, after the collapse of the USSR, the emerging, independent Ukraine ...

Character Deep Dive: Vladimir Chekhov
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 28, 2024
character deep dive,
character design,
the doodler,
the second crimean war,
vladimir chekhov
Character Upbringing
Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, June 17, 2023
In the whole “show don't tell” thing that is the holy grail of ‘good storytelling’ (yes but not always, this is for a newspost of another time) what they usually don't tell you is that behavioral patterns are your friend.
To show rather than tell, you need to ...
QUACKCAST 494 - No antagonist is the best antagonist?
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 1, 2020
Drunk duck,
featured comic,
No antagonist is the best antagonist?,
Tantz Aerine,
The History of One Humankind,
The Second Crimean war,
Webcomics hosting
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Does a story always need an antagonist embodied in the form of an active character? I don't think they do! We chat about examples of stories ...
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