Episode 540 - DD crash update and tests of character

Jul 19, 2021

On Friday the 16th the site was down for a while. Nasty, but we fixed that and chatted to our programmer Alexey about starting the update program on DD. The DD Anthology is also out now too, so you can buy a copy and help support the upgrades! Pit and Banes were MIA today but as a special treat you can meet my Russian hatted Ex, Miss-Judged, who's with me and Tantz in this cast. And as a super extra special treat you can see us ALL in our pateron video which is free to ALL this week! In the links bellow.

Topics and Show Notes

We chat about the DD fall, maybe getting JustNoPoint to be our Sys Admin, code updates for DD, the design update, and the DD anthology. Then at about the 18 minute mark we dive into our main topic: “Test of character”. This was based on a newspost by Tantz Aerine. Some examples of things we mention that have a very prominent 'test of character" component are: horror stories, O-Henry stories, Fairytails, and Avatar the last airbender.

This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Quantum Festival - Starting on the sub-atomic level we work our way up the energy levels. Mesons, baryons, quarks, hadrons, protons, neutrons, electrons, and photons vibrating, pulsing, combining, exploding. Energy is produced in strange and wonderful ways. The eerie synthesiser sounds illustrate this perfectly, beeping, bumping, clicking and wailing, helping you visualise the quantum weirdness!

Topics and shownotes

Our Patreon vid is available to all! Watch - https://www.patreon.com/posts/dd-patreon-video-53856108

Buy the DD anthology and help us at the same time - https://drunkducksells.gumroad.com/l/EBCcv
Anthology update - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2021/jul/17/the-duck-reanimated/
Crash report - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2021/jul/17/annnd-were-back/
Tant's Test of Character newpost - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2021/jul/09/the-test-of-character/

Featured comic:
The Magister Records - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2021/jul/13/featured-comic-the-magister-records/

Featured Music:
Quantum Festival - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Quantum_Festival/ - by Lokpolymorfa, rated E

Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Kawaiidaigakusei - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/kawaiidaigakusei/

VIDEO exclusive!
Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks!
- https://www.patreon.com/DrunkDuck
Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts!

Join the Discord server to chat in real time with other DD comics people - https://discordapp.com/invite/7NpJ8GS

Episode 538 - Fashion and Trends in Webcomics

Jul 4, 2021

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We chat about the styles and trends in webcomics and what causes them, whether it's people copying stuff they like, working with the limitations of the technology they're using or other reasons.

Episode 534 - Biting off more than you can chew

Jun 7, 2021

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Taking on more than you can handle - i.e. James Cameron and JJ Abrams are good directors and writers but neither could handle the demands of a complex Sci-Fi project that needs full world building and internally consistent logic etc (Avatar and Star Wars). They're great with more simple SciFi that's based on 21st century earth and simpler stories, but epic SciFi was clearly a long way beyond the capabilities of either. We're talking about when WE have been caught taking on stuff we couldn't handle, how we dealt with that and also how other creators dealt with it too.

Episode 530 - What is SciFi?

May 10, 2021

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So what IS SciFi? Well it's a pretty wide umbrella term and contains a lot of different things. In some senses it's just an imaginative fiction story where science replaces magic. SciFi can simply be a sciencey setting where genre stories take place (romance, adventure, nior, horror). It can be a magical fantasy space opera with a futuristic skin (Star Wars), it can be “hard SciFi” where the story is set in the future but the science is completely plausible, it can be written with strong themes that examine philosophical questions and make interesting points about the nature of humanity, and it can be so many more things too. It's a broad church!

Episode 524 - Empathy

Mar 28, 2021

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Image credit: There's Something About Mary, 20th Century Fox. Empathy is like sympathy but you don't think about it. It's what happens when you see someone get hurt and you wince in pain watching them, it's when you see a really uncomfortable moment in a sitcom like The Office and you cringe, It's when you feel sad when the characters are sad about something. Empathy is an important tool for audience immersion- if they're feeling that strongly for the characters then you've got them invested in your story! Funny story… the topic of this Quackcast was inspired by us talking about the risks of “going commando” and the fact that it can happen to women as well as men. This led us to go looking for photographic and video proof, as you do… and what we saw gave us instant empathy for the poor unfortunate. Hence the Quackcast topic ;) This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to PleaseRewind: Quiet threat, creepy, seeping, strumming, thrumbing, coming CLOSER, inside, peering around, waiting to begin. This is a quiet track filled with an undertone of urgency suggested by the constant quick rhythm and lonely guitar.

Episode 522 - The fall of a politician and a furry, The ballad of Grey Muzzle

Mar 14, 2021

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Today we chat about the disappearance of another Drunkducker. This fellow was a politician in his daily life and a furry in his downtime. On DD he was the author of the adult furry comic Tina's story, an exceptionally well written slice of life comedy comic with adult elements, staring an anthro poodle lady and her human partner. This man had his online activity taken and used to destroy his political career. The comic which was his passion was used as ammunition to ruin him. We chat about this in our Quackcast! In light of what happened to Gina Carano for her silly words this is interesting.

Episode 521 - bluecuts34 on X comics

Mar 8, 2021

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Today we're interviewing Bluecuts34 who is one of the crew assembling the DD horror anthology to raise money for Drunk Duck! They are the author of an adult comic (Castle of Joy), so Bluecuts34 is on today to talk about adult comics in general! The discussion between Pit, Tantz and Bluecuts34/Mal was fascinating, tackling all different aspects of erotic and porn comics. Castle of Joy is a fantasy X comic with action happening between two characters: one lady and one non-binary. Subscribe to our Patreon bellow to see Bluecuts34 on video and hear them tell us what they think of Milo Manara and his erotic comics!

Episode 519 - Infodump

Feb 22, 2021

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In the year 2020, the world had been devastated by a global pandemic, life had changed forever… It's 2021 and our 4 unlikely heroes have banded together, a topic borrowed from the wise and gracious Emma Clare… My fave “infodump” in fiction is the narration by Nicholas Cage in Raising Arizona. My least fave is the massive long description of fish and how submarine equipment works in 10,000 leagues under the sea by Jules Verne (the novel). What are you most fave and least fave infodumps?

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