Episode 217 - Sexy and attractive characters

May 4, 2015

For this Quackcast we thought we'd explore what makes characters sexy and/or attractive: Men or women, it doesn't matter, original characters, or from TV, comics, films, radio, games, whatever. How do you make a sexy character? What's a good example of a sexy character? What makes a character sexy? We had a LOT of people telling us what they thought and we had some pretty strong opinions ourselves! Also, you will LOVE the sexy Roxy Music sounding theme tune for The Flower and the Nose by Gunwallace.

Episode 211 - How Mary Sure Are You?

Mar 23, 2015

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Hello hello hello! This week Ozoneocean and Banes pirate another of HippieVan's much discussed newsposts. When the test for Mary Sue was brought up in our recent writing tests Quackcast it generated some heated talk so HippieVan went a little deeper into it and people responded again. Banes and I discuss those responses and try to come up with some sort of consensus on how to more properly use the Mary Sue test and some of its pitfalls: i.e. it's highly context sensitive and can't be used easily on certain genres (Superhero etc), it's also something you as a writer typically don't have to worry about unless you're inexperienced- or so Banes and I believe.

Episode 191 - The Halloweencast part 2

Nov 3, 2014

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We find our heroes STILL stuck far beneath the soaring spires of the Drunk Duck Gothic palace of doom, down deep in the dank, dark, dusty catacombs, their way lit by the guttering orange light of stinking flaming torches... As the quaking Banes and Ozoneocean explore the bone strewn crypts of the abandoned webcomic ossuary they're frequently visited by the terrifying spectres of those very webcomics, eager to commune with living souls once more in the hope of experiencing the joys of an active audience again. Our many contributors helped introduce us to these abandoned webcomics and we hope you'll give them another look too!

Episode 178 - thematical thematology

Aug 4, 2014

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For this DD webcomics podcast, Quackcast 178, we talk about THEMES. And no, we're not talking about those fine musical tracks that Gunwallace has been making for our comics. Theme is what's happening below the surface plot of a story. Plot is the events that happen, and theme is what it all means. We asked people What they thought about themes in their work, how they approach them, do you put themes in there on purpose, or does it happen by accident? Is a theme even necessary? We also asked people to talk about some of the themes in their work. We had some very interesting contributions. Themes in stories in comics, movies, TV shows and books are not things we tend to think about that much unless we're trying to be clever but they're an all pervasive and important part of any story nevertheless!

Episode 152 - The LurrrrvCast!

Feb 3, 2014

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Romance. Love. L'amour. Ozone and I keep talking about getting the community engaged with our Quackcast topics - The ‘Casts that feature those community posts are always my favourite episodes by far! So we put these questions to our community to see how they'd respond: How do you approach love, romance and relationships in your comics? Do you find it difficult to write this stuff? Is it easy? What do you like to see, love and relationship-wise, in the comics you read? Do you like it realistic? Angsty? Or do you like it more fantasy-based? What do you NOT like to see? What are some of the fictional couples/relationships you really like? Were there any you thought didn't work at all? Why? The replies were interesting, engaging, and enlightening. So join us! All aboard for the LurrrrvCast!

Episode 133 - An interview with everyone!

Jul 15, 2013

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So the idea this time was an evolution of what I did for Quackcast 132, except THIS time we made up a list of crazy interview questions and a lot of great people answered them in the personalities of their comic characters in really silly and fun ways. Banes and I acted out all the parts. Skoolmukee makes a fantastic guest appearance for the last one so make sure you listen all the way to the end! (part two next week!!!) I hope this inspires you to check out some of these comics, plus it's a really fun way to write for your character and learn a bit more about the way they think, so I'll keep the thread open if anyone else wants to add to it: - http://www.drunkduck.com/forum/topic/175825/

Episode 127 - Early Influences in Print Comics

May 28, 2013

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For Quackcast 127 we asked the DD community about the traditional print comics that influenced them over the years, from their early days onward. No webcomics! Only the old printed kind in comic books or newspapers, or gum wrappers or... however else people got their comicbook goodness. And it was TOTALLY ok to talk about mainstream comics like Batman and Superman if that was their thing or obscure stuff no one ever heard of or weird embarrassing crap like He-Man comics, whatever, it's all good, we wanted to know! We got quite a few responses and we thank everyone for those, It also gave us a chance to do our funny voices again, which we appreciated!

Episode 104: Call Me 24 Hour Tom

Nov 30, 2012

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24 hour comics day was on the 20th of October! Buuuut, we dodn't cover that for the Quackcast because we were too into our halloweeeenie plans, I think... or maybe we were just being lazy, I fergit. Anyway, in this week's Quackcast we speak to someone who actually participated in the great and fabled rituals surrounding the legendary event to get an inside perspective on just exactly how things work. To that end Dr Banes and I packed up our carpetbags, shucked on our greatcoats and top hats and did up each other's gaiters in order to travel to merry Ye'olde Engal-land to speak to one of its inhabitants who was rumoured to be a man of great knowledge on this subject. There we encountered a fellow by the name of Tom, or Call Me Tom to be exact, a fine figure of a man, raw boned and massive, standing well nigh over nine feet tall and a million inches, bald as a coot on top, with red sidewhiskers down to his knees. He was good enough to let us into the secret lore of 24 hour comics day! - Halfway through our learned discourse we were attacked by Geth and replaced by simulants. :(

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