Episode 504 - Decompression
Nov 8, 2020
For our Patreon video I decided to dress as the WW2 Captain America (from the movie, Captain American the First Avenger). That and the very de-compressed nature of the US election led us to chat about what was going to happen! It wsn't till JUST after the video that we heard that the US offocially had a new president! So you can see me pictured bellow in my costume or become a Patreon and see the vid :)
Topics and Show Notes
This Quackcast is all based on Bane's newspost from Thursday about decompressed stories. We have a really interesting chat about that and the nature of time in general- i.e. it can seem to slow or speed up. Decompression in a story means that you slow things down and focus much more on details or character interaction as oposed to a compressed story that skips over a lot of that in favour of speeding from plot point to plot point. Most stories have a mix of the two aproaches but there can be interesting examples that go with extremes.
The musical feature this week that Gunwallace has given us is theme to The Drunk Duck Awards 2020 - This is a bouncing party atmosphere. There’s a familiare theme here to the fun and frivolity of the sounds which fits with this being the representative theme for this great participatory community event at DD! You can just imagine all the DD characters getting on the dance floor and shaking their stuff together in a riotous scene of dancing and celebration!
Topics and shownotes
Bane's newspost on decompressed stories - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2020/nov/04/uncompressed-storytelling/
In our Patreon vid we chat about the US election and Tantz talks about direct democracy. She has actually co-authored book on the subject - https://mindpower.gr/en/product/direct-democratic-anthropocentrism-epub/
Featured comic:
Jovian - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2020/nov/03/featured-comic-jovian/
Featured Music:
Drunk Duck Awards 2020 - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Drunk_Duck_Awards_2020/, by Niccea and the DD Community, rated E.
Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Tantz Aerine - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Tantz_Aerine/
Pitface - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/PIT_FACE/
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
kawaiidaigakusei - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/kawaiidaigakusei/
VIDEO exclusive!
Become a subscriber on the $5 level and up to see our weekly Patreon video and get our advertising perks!
- https://www.patreon.com/DrunkDuck
Even at $1 you get your name with a link on the front page and a mention in the weekend newsposts!
Join the Discord server to chat in real time with other DD comics people - https://discordapp.com/invite/7NpJ8GS
Episode 300 - 3rd DD meetup!
Dec 5, 2016
We finally did it! We got to 300 Quackcasts! We've been doing these non-stop for SIX years! Wow… That's pretty incredible. We couldn't think of anything clever do do so we had another DD electronic meetup. The 3rd DD meetup on the 3rd of December on the 300th Quackcast. So the DD family got together, which is what families do around Christmas, well a few of us anyway! In this Quackcast you can listen to an hour of our blather and carrying on and vicariously experience what it was like if you missed it or listen again if you were a part of it. It's always a blast to have the DD community together, we're spread out all the way across the planet so this is really the only practical way for us to come together. We tried doing it with DD hangouts this time instead of Skype, which was interesting but there were way too many hoops to jump through for people to get into it. We could only have 10 people on the call at the time, With Skype we could have 10 people on video chat and others with voice only and chat was so much better… So NEXT time we will go BACK to Skype. Screw you Google hangouts! It was so nice to see people! I tried to stay up for 10 hours from 11am EST (New York time), to 9pm, but I didn't make it. I fell asleep 2 hours short. :( Gunwallace's musical theme was for Lady Unlucky: a minimal white landscape, furnished with electronica, hints of piano and subtle grandeur.
Episode 267 - The DD Community asks Banes
Apr 18, 2016
In Quackcast 266 we interviewed the mad Mr Banes… We turned a giant battleship spotlight around and shone it directly into his eyes and bombarded him with high explosive armour piercing questions until he eventually failed under the onslaught, keeled over and sunk down into the depths, drowning all his brave seamen… Wait a minute, Banes isn't a ship, I got carried away with my metaphors. Anyway, that was then and this is now! THIS time we turned it over the the community instead (Pitface's idea), and they asked him all crazy insane questions. Banes answered with good humour like the amazing guy he really is :) Gunwallace gave us an amazingly cool 1980s videogame and metal themed turn for Satan Ninja 198X!
Episode 265 - Drunk Duck updates and the future
Apr 4, 2016
For Quackcast 265 I wanted to steer the direction toward the idea of future fixes and features for Drunk Duck! We talked a bit about the 2nd wave of fixes that will be happening now- HippieVan worked to gather people's suggestions for the most important bugs that needed fixing (with our limited funds), and features people want added, and then did a survey to find what people though were the highest priority. It was a lot of work and took a few weeks to come up with the results. Bellow is a summery of what she learned:
Episode 219 - Sexy and attractive characters, Part 3
May 10, 2015
And now for the last in our series of questioning just what makes characters sexy and/or attractive! We have more interesting contributions to read from and delve into but we thought we'd stop for now so we don't waste all our sexiness in one go. Banes and Ozoneocean are being attractive this time, while PitFace and Tantz Aerine are the sexy ones, a role which they approach with gusto. The subject of the essence of sexiness proved to be contentious and surprisingly complicated! The music we have by Gunwallace this week is the theme for Johnny Bullet- it's a sexy 1970s theme with lots of “chicka-wa” guitar.
Episode 218 - Sexy and attractive characters, Part 2
May 10, 2015
Once again we're chatting about just WHAT makes characters sexy and or attractive. The sexy Banes and Ozoneocean are joined by two attractive ladies, PitFace and Tantz Aerine, so now we have even more insight into the topic! We discuss the topic with humour and intelligence, with the help of the fantastic contributions for some very canny and sexually attractive Drunk Duckers. And of course we have some lovely music by Gunwallace, a secret agent theme for FOX Academy The New Breed!
Episode 217 - Sexy and attractive characters
May 4, 2015
For this Quackcast we thought we'd explore what makes characters sexy and/or attractive: Men or women, it doesn't matter, original characters, or from TV, comics, films, radio, games, whatever. How do you make a sexy character? What's a good example of a sexy character? What makes a character sexy? We had a LOT of people telling us what they thought and we had some pretty strong opinions ourselves! Also, you will LOVE the sexy Roxy Music sounding theme tune for The Flower and the Nose by Gunwallace.
Episode 216 - Characters done right, part 4
Apr 27, 2015
This is the FOURTH and very final part of our series on what makes a good character in webcomics, movies, and any sort of writing in general. Our very first four-parter! Ozone and Banes are once again joined by the panel of Pitface, Tantz Aerine, and Bravo1102. Together we get though the last of the contributions from the great and wise people of DD who've had a lot of very intelligent things on the subject of character writing. And of course there's an amazing aural interpretation of a comic for you by Gunwallace who's done a spectacular theme for Prodigium.