Episode 322 - Comedycast

May 8, 2017

Banes has been doing a series of very intelligent newsposts focusing on the mechanics of comedy over the past few weeks. Today in this Quackcast we go over the first three parts of these reports: Comedic Premise, Comedic Characters, and Good and Bad character traits! This one is just Banes and I… stripped down and simple, which is how people know us in these parts, which is embarrassing but we're used to it. If you want to get a better idea of the stuff we talk about then click on the links to Banes' newsposts bellow. The music for this week by Gunwallace is for the Silhouette Chronicles. It's somber, yet intriguing and somehow invigorating. A lovely duet of cello and violin!

Episode 216 - Characters done right, part 4

Apr 27, 2015

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This is the FOURTH and very final part of our series on what makes a good character in webcomics, movies, and any sort of writing in general. Our very first four-parter! Ozone and Banes are once again joined by the panel of Pitface, Tantz Aerine, and Bravo1102. Together we get though the last of the contributions from the great and wise people of DD who've had a lot of very intelligent things on the subject of character writing. And of course there's an amazing aural interpretation of a comic for you by Gunwallace who's done a spectacular theme for Prodigium.

Episode 71 - Institutionalised Superheros, Screenwriting: Part 4

Apr 2, 2012

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This is the 4th and last of Banes' screenwriting tutorials. We round up here with the final two story genres; "Superhero" and "Institutionalised", rounded out with some more useful time and tricks on writing in general! This series has been part of the Quackcast screenwriting month, beginning with Quackcast 68 and ending with Quackcast 71. Aaaaand we also have all the voice tryouts for the aspiring actors that want to be a part of the 2012 DD radio play! We'd love you to vote on your faves for each role- just write down the number you like for each and email your vote to drunkduck100@yahoo.com, or PQ them to http://www.drunkduck.com/quack/compose/?user=ayesinback or just write it here in the QC comments!

Quackcast 60 Jillyfoo Interview: Part 2

Jan 17, 2012

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This is Part 2 of my interesting chat with Jillyfoo (popular artist and creator of Demon Eater). Here she chats about various interesting subjects particularly applicable to webcomic creation from what she uses to keep her inspired while working, to how to make money and network at conventions and what sorts of things she finds most appealing in other webcomics. There's also a bit of general chat and reminiscing, you've been warned! As with last week's installment, I apologise for the poor audio quality of the interview portion- my connection was bad so this interview had to be edited and cut somewhat as a consequence. See Jillyfoo's stuff here: http://www.drunkduck.com/user/JillyFoo/ We also have part 4 of our exciting drunk duck soap "What happened wile I was away?". It was edited this week by Banes, and he did a wonderful job! See his stuff here:http://www.drunkduck.com/user/Banes

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