Episode 88 - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
Jul 30, 2012
This is a Quackcast segment that visits old forum threads... funny ones. Well, at least ones that Banes and I found amusing; Gems like "how does your brain say people's usernames?", "cool facts", "UFO stories". Banes and I read these wired and funny thing and try to BE funny as we do it... that's harder than it seems, and I don't think we always manage too well, but at least SOME of the time there's SOMEthing to laugh at! - even if it's just the two idiots yammering away on the podcast.
Episode 87 - Up with people: Heroes and Villians
Jul 23, 2012
What are the Do's and Do Not Do's when it comes to creating protagonists and antagonists??? For Quackcast 87 we asked for people's opinions on making heroes and villains, we asked who are some of your fave heroes and villains? What makes your own characters such good heroes or villains? What are YOUR Do's and Donts, how do YOU prefer to construct your heroes and villains? Is the hero just a hero because they're the protagonist? Or are they a classic hero? What's the difference between heroes an protagonists? Villains and antagonists? etc. Some clever and intelligent people weighed in on this and shared their opinions on it with us.
Episode 86 - Ghosts of Features Past
Jul 16, 2012
Our idea was to revisit some of the interesting featured comics from the past years... We picked features that appeal to us and that are still on the site, commenting about what we like and don't like about the art, writing, design, style of humour, type of story, and the genre.We hope this will be an interesting topic to revisit in future Quackcasts too. The feature spotlight is fleeting and only happens once to a comic, then they sink away again, so it's worth having another look at the great and wonderful glories of the past to see just how great and wonderful they were! I'm joined again on the Quackcast by my personable and friendly voiced co-host Banes!
Episode 85 - lba's Modern Life
Jul 9, 2012
Today lba/Alex Groh is the subject of Quackcast 85. He speaks about how webcomics had a part in his higher education and his transition to his working life as a professional illustrator and graphic artist. This Quackcast was troublesome to setup: on the day it was slated for I was deathly ill with a severe migraine. Alex was kind enough to wait another day. But in the end I had to call Alex/lba on his cell phone to make the skype call,because the net and his comp weren’t too reliable. Fortunately it was pretty cheap, but the quality isn’t that great, so please bear with us! Alex had some fascinating and very useful things to say about working as a professional artist!
Episode 84 - Barb Jacobs and Her Beautiful Comics
Jul 2, 2012
This week we have an interview with another of my webcomic heroes: the fabulously talented Barb Jacobs, Author of the very popular webcomics Xylia and Talisman/Return to Donnely/Return of the Exile - yes, it had each of those names at one stage. Here she shares with us what makes a professional tick, the ups and downs of an independent webcomicer making money from her art and taking her stuff onto bigger and better things, as well as the constant struggle all webcomicers face: trying to maintain the drive to create in the face of all real life throws at you. Barb started at Drunk Duck, got picked up by Keenspot, got picked up by a real publisher and then other things happened from there- listen to find out!
Episode 83 - Naughty or Nice?
Jun 25, 2012
In comedy, funny, humour, gags, all that stuff! What's your opinion, there is always a bit of a divide between "dirty" and "clean" humour. Obviously "clean" humour has a much wider potential market, while "dirty" humour is a bit more limited in its audience potential- not generally something that can be enjoyed by the whole family, you exclude kids and those of a more sensitive, or maybe "conservative" disposition (not politically conservative). So which style do people prefer and why? Which style is superior? A lot of DDers weigh in to offer their opinion on the subject, read out in idiotic voices by Banes and Ozoneocean
Episode 82 - Live the Dream (Jobs, Jobs, Jobs)
Jun 18, 2012
This week, we pose the question "How can webcomics translate itself into real life work for you? What sorts of skills and things that you do in webcomics lead to real life jobs? (and viceversa)" Hear ozoneocean and Banes ramble about snow and motivation, make half-hearted attempts at funny voices (until ozone's triumphant Southern character wins our hearts), and shake your head (in wonderment) as they rally back for an inspirational finale! And check out our wonderful features this week, with Mer-Men and Bat-Girls!
Episode 81 - Posts by Kroatz
Jun 11, 2012
The wonderful, mighty, sagacious, imperial, magisterial, cultured, intellectual giant and genius that is the human incarnation of the celestial presence known only as "Kroatz" deigns to visit our humble corporeal realm for the sole purpose of eliciting answers to his series of well crafted and highly interesting inquiries into the nature and use of colours, silhouettes, and design aesthetics. This Quackcast records Ozoneocean's attempts to address these interesting queries. (Banes acts as the early intermediary for The Kroatz)