Episode 95 - Kawaii Daigakusei Confidential

Sep 17, 2012

Our very special guest this week is the lovely Claire Leona, known as kawaiidaigakusei on DD, she's the author and artist behind the long-running comic Kawaii Daigakusei that was recently featured! Kawai Daigakusei is about a young woman growing up and finding her place in the world. Learning how to have relationships, learning about the world of art, and indulging in her passion for videogames and fast cars. In this interview we get into some behind the scenes info about leona's comic, we learn what inspired her, where real life ends and the comic begins, what it's like to produce such a large body of work, and how what she's learned in her comic has helped her in her proffessional life and vice versa! We also have Bane's wonderful rendition of Gunwallace's Character Development song. You must not miss it.

Episode 92 - Women, Feminism, and Webcomics with Noelle Dreves: Part 2

Aug 27, 2012

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For the 92nd Quackcast we return we return to Australian heroine and flying ace Noelle Dreves and and international bon vivant and professional wine taster Skoolmunkee chatting with me about women in webcomics! This is the second part of the two-parter that began with Quackcast 90. We begin with Discussion Pinky TA, as you do! As before: These two ladies are on to talk about women in webcomics and popular culture in general from an ever so slightly feminist point of view.

Episode 71 - Institutionalised Superheros, Screenwriting: Part 4

Apr 2, 2012

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This is the 4th and last of Banes' screenwriting tutorials. We round up here with the final two story genres; "Superhero" and "Institutionalised", rounded out with some more useful time and tricks on writing in general! This series has been part of the Quackcast screenwriting month, beginning with Quackcast 68 and ending with Quackcast 71. Aaaaand we also have all the voice tryouts for the aspiring actors that want to be a part of the 2012 DD radio play! We'd love you to vote on your faves for each role- just write down the number you like for each and email your vote to drunkduck100@yahoo.com, or PQ them to http://www.drunkduck.com/quack/compose/?user=ayesinback or just write it here in the QC comments!

Episode 68 - Save the Cat for the Screenwriting

Mar 12, 2012

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This marks the beginning of our story writing month! We're focusing exclusively and intensively on the art of writing, following on naturally from Kroatz's clever take on the concept of the monomyth. Bane's special interest and expertise is in scriptwriting, particularly movie screenwriting, so this is the approach we're taking. Screenwriting translates perfectly to comics even more than it does to novel writing or play-writing so hopefully this should come in handy to our webcomicing writers out there! First up we begin with an outline of general story structure, then move on to an explanation of some of the different TYPES of story.

Episode 66 - Why do you do it?

Feb 27, 2012

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After finally definitively vanquishing Ozoneocean last week, Banes is now top dog and chief superhero in the Quackcast universe. He begins his reign by trying to find out from the comicers on DD WHY they write and/or draw their comics, possibly as part of a dastardly plan. In Quackcast 66 we wanted to know what drives people to want to create? How did their comics come to be: Ideas-wise, writing-wise, editing-wise, and web-wise? Why did they choose comics as opposed to some other medium, like dance or archery? How/where did people's initial spark come from for their comic? Where do people draw ideas from? These and more questions are answered interestingly by many creative and clever people, giving us a cool insight into their work and hopefully your own as well.

Episode 44 - Four Little Pretties and Little Contests Too

Sep 26, 2011

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oz and skool are catching up on features again, so they've got four good ones to talk about. They also chat a little bit about contests and things which contest-creators might think about.

Episode 12 - The Okay Debate: Comic Hosting Sites vs. Own Hosting

Jan 25, 2011

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skool and oz fall back into habit with a rough beginning, lots of feature discussion, and talking too long about the weekly subject with no clear outcome. But it's still good!

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