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member since January 01, 2008


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Comics Recomended By Ayra

Chris was never really good with her words or her relationships. But when she stumbles upon a cute girl in her trash one night..well, she just became a bit more tongue tied.

Boobs Ahoy! centers mainly around two carefree lesbian pirates out to do nothing more than sleep with as many women as possible and have a good time. Pirates, Lesbian, Yuri, Nerdy Humor.

[UPDATE SCHEDULE]: Thursday -> Monday, 2 pages per week. The deep relationship of an apprentice and her master, tainted by love and war. The story of Hakka Hastura, student of the Hollow Heliosphere, Sovereign.

The dark story of the romance between the last child of the Moon and the daughter of Inari, within the Silence of a world bloodstained by Gods and ruled by an order, the Order of Riversky. Follow the story of Hakka Hatsura in her journey within the "Sphere", the Ahriman, as she seeks for her past and for her future.

Futurella (The Synthetic Girl of the Future) and her amazing crew have adventures in time, space, and sarcasm! (

Sarah is a fairly ordinary person who just wants to lead a quiet life but seems to have a habit of getting herself into extremely complicated situations! Contains themes of an LGBT nature.


Ayra's friends

  • Xatiav
  • DreamDutchess
  • Volte6
  • Warpedwenger
  • JazylH

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