Public Profile


member since January 01, 2006


I try I really do.

Hi, my name is Michael Lunsford, also known as Lucky in various parts of the internet. Ive been at DD for a long time, my first attempt at a webcomic was called Baby Lucky. Since then Ive tried again and again (Freak, Halfway to dead, and a few more cracks at Baby Lucky as well) My newest endevor is Stuffed Jim, check it out! wont you?

Comics By Lucky

No comics.

Comics Assisted By Lucky

  • Fantasy |
  • 192 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
Chapter 8 "Blood of the Gods"! Will a group of college friends be able to find and rescue a one time acquaintance? Ended

Comics Recomended By Lucky

A super-powered vampire with pirate-related PTSD accidentally starts collecting friends like a crazy cat lady collects strays, and they all live in a cabin in the woods.

Chapter 8 "Blood of the Gods"! Will a group of college friends be able to find and rescue a one time acquaintance? Ended

Lucky's friends

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By Lucky

No videos.




Neilak20 at 2:30PM, Nov. 9, 2007

Imma comment back to your page now XD *Comments* Tis very full of page >_>

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