Public Profile


member since July 07, 2010


Though inspired by the character: Mad Hatter of the original writer: Lewis Carroll –this reference is to Jarvis Tetch.

Other then the name itself, and the picture, that is all that will be referred to here.

So, lets get to me. I am quite misanthropic, and have been known to be a slight sadist(not to be confused with Satanism). I enjoy playing the guitar, the piano, and reading. Of course, like most, I also enjoy to drink while hanging out with the company of those I can put up with.

Over all, I can be a bit blunt. Half of the time I mean no disdain. However, – I guess it truly just depends on how I see you. Although, I do not try to judge without just(e) cause.

To continue; – I am quite the movie goer and somewhat of a collector.

All in all, there is no need to be shy in speaking with me. I will not bite your head off. I can actually be quite friendly, despite what it says here(and Im not contradicting myself). – Ill merely treat you as you treat me.

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A comic about 3 friends as they start there pokemon journey through the brand new region of the pokemon univerese called choko.

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