Public Profile


member since August 08, 2008


Wow you came to my page, Im no artist thats for sure, but I do have a very good eye, I just cant draw worth anything, but I can paint

well I love Humor, intelligent people, comics and art, my Boyfriend ZerglingLeader got me into this site so check out his comic

well thats pretty much it

oh yeah and my Name is Sarah

by the way, You all Lost the Game!

Comics By MeiscoChan

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Comics Assisted By MeiscoChan

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Comics Recomended By MeiscoChan

Formatted is a comic about Irony, stupidity, and basically every twist, turn, and achievement in the life of a Gamer Geek.

Surreal humour.

A new "The Odd Couple!" About three friends who live in an apartment together, mostly videogame nerds who have no life! sorta!

Little Kiah talks to God and Satan about politics, spirituality, and scourge vultures!

Rated bizarre for: monsters, zombies, cannibalism, school girls, unrequited love (with a vengeance), government conspiracy, chocolate bunnies, angels vs. demons, all that with a limb or two to spare.

It's way rad and cool and hip. Just like the macintosh, but less gay. A lot less gay.

The projection of a giant, pink walrus' mind on to electronic media. Also I hear it's a kind of sequel, but more in the sense of a graphics upgrade. No earlier knowledge of the series required. I also hear it's super funny and awesome.

Some Aliens forced by circumstances to live among normal humans; the Second generation of these Aliens have no clue where the heck they came from or why they are the way they are. the story is about some of them trying to find out.... The hard way.


MeiscoChan's friends

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By MeiscoChan

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Drasnus at 8:10AM, Aug. 21, 2008

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