Public Profile


member since August 08, 2006


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Comics By Mojo

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Comics Assisted By Mojo

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Comics Recomended By Mojo

An inquisitive worm makes friends with the bird who was going to eat him. Sarcasm ensues. A Platinum Studios comic!

Six people in the middle of an interstellar war, trying to make ends meet. Being a Privateer sucks when people keep on trying to kill you, but at least the money's good and the serious injuries are evenly spaced out.

Captain Tjakhlune Hawke, forced by circumstance to take up piracy, has only one goal in her life; she wants to catch a man with no name, and she'll go to any length or time to do it. Warning: Contains pirates, history, and time-traveling.

A girl, a robot, and their horrible adventures. Updated MWF.

For over a decade, spanning some 4000 nights written in these journals, Lt. David Day Became HERO BY NIGHT, protecting the innocent and punishing evil wherever he could find it, until one day...HE VANISHED. A Platinum Studios comic! Updates Monday-Frid

Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place

Robert Tinnell, writer of the Eisner-nominated graphic album FEAST OF THE SEVEN FISHES, has teamed up with artist Craig Taillefer (WAHOO MORRIS) to launch THE CHELATION KID - a strip which documents the efforts of Tinnell and his wife as they attempt t

After Sam Garrison and his pregnant wife move into the rough inner-city, Sam and his neighbor Mark decide to bring justice to the streets as vigilantes called the Watchdogs. But Sam learns that Mark has a darker agenda... A Platinum Studios comic!


Mojo's friends

  • Uziel
  • Volte6
  • Raffaele_Ienco
  • Marklar
  • vashogun
  • Ryan McLelland
  • F_Allen
  • CuzzaCurry

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By Mojo

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