Public Profile


member since May 05, 2007


Im just this guy whos awesome.

I draw a lot.
I play old video games.
I watch bad campy movies.
I listen to a lot of Dragonforce.
I play a billion different pen and paper role-playing games.

And My Webcomic won the 2007 Webcommy for Best Kickassery in a Webcomic.

Nominated for Best DD Pixel/Sprite Comic of 2008.

And winner of the 2008 Webcommy for Best Kickassery in a Webcomic. Two years in a row.

Check out stuff ive actually drawn—

Comics By joerocks1981

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
  • last:  |
A0 is a project that...i'm not entirely certain what it really means yet. It involves robots.
  • Abstract |
  • 0 pages |
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I make a comic that is usually drawn between 2 to 10 minutes on my lunchbreaks. I update frequently and sometimes include jokes.
  • Fantasy |
  • 200 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
Sprite based comic, with original sprites! For real. Updated irregularly, but usually once or twice a week.
  • Real Life |
  • 0 pages |
  • last:  |
It may be ugly but at least it's fairly consistent.

Comics Assisted By joerocks1981

No comics.

Comics Recomended By joerocks1981

Allan is a journal comic my friend Rob and I thought up. It's based off real-life happenings to me, and possibly other people who get involved with me.

A webcomic about a childish fool named Gabe and his adventures in Awesometown.

The small town of Unfortunate has had its share of crises. Enough to warrant its own neighborhood superhero. Since its recent superhuman addition, Unfortunate has been free of crime and disaster, but not everyone is happy living in this plastic bubble...

Dick & Fart Weekly chronicles the lives of two young men. It's kind of like the Odd Couple, only Felix is more of an asshole, and Oscar is retarded.

A space opera about a freelance starship and crew's quest to end rule of the immortal kings. It has gay / GLBT themes

no description

A Drunk Duck featured comic and winner of the Drunk Duck Awards for Best Humor Scenes and Most Deliciously Offensive. Plus the artist is an Adonis of a man. Handsome, charismatic, suave. He saved my mom's life once! All in all, this is one awesome guy.

Fantasy adventure story about a teenage boy who gets stuck in an world he doesn't belong. Whats even stranger is that he has sprouted elven ears.

A collection of editorial cartoons I have been doing for my local newspaper the [url=]Highlands Today[/url], based mostly on local news stories.

A woman suffers a tragic death. When she awakens in a land that is beyond life but not entirely past death, she must seek a way to discover where she is and how to return to the land of the living...

Black & white & cute all over. The story of how pandas became they way they are. And other animal folk tales.

Cajun-spiced, hot-n-heavy, dark-n-deadly, supernatural science fiction goodness in every ever-lovin' spoonful.

Fairly random and ridiculous.


joerocks1981's friends

Videos Shared By joerocks1981

No videos.




G D at 2:57PM, March 4, 2009

Thanks for the add. You've got a great comic.

stickboybob at 11:22AM, Sept. 8, 2008

i cant feel my arms no more!

Druss01 at 7:44PM, Sept. 1, 2008

Hey Joe! Thanks for the encouragement. If there is anything you can think of that could make the comic better please do let me know.

Exzachly at 11:42PM, Aug. 21, 2008

I was the one who did it! *shocking twist!*

Exzachly at 1:57AM, Aug. 15, 2008

dude, did you know you got a nomination for best sprite comic? Democracy works!

ifelldownthestairs at 11:06PM, Aug. 5, 2008

internet superbuddies fuckin rocks.

zealotjohn at 9:01PM, June 13, 2008

a new friend....feels nice

shino at 9:02AM, Feb. 7, 2008

THank YOU for letting us be friends!!!!

Chaz McRich at 2:57PM, Oct. 25, 2007

Thanks for the add chum!

queen_dani at 10:20PM, Oct. 22, 2007

Great! now i'm all caught up! Freaking Amazing! - good job... i'm going to sleep now.

fern at 5:28PM, Oct. 9, 2007

Keep on a-rockin', joe'! 1981 was a great year to be born... shame -- I'm from the '86 gang.

jurbas at 9:44AM, Oct. 7, 2007

hey I hada look at ur deviant art account Joe, You do FREAKIN' ROCK Thankyou Jurbas

notlikelytocare at 1:14PM, Aug. 9, 2007

Thanks for the add!!!

Bekefel at 1:15PM, July 9, 2007

Through The Fire And The Flames for the win man.

marine at 9:28AM, July 7, 2007

What pen and paper games do you play fine sir? I'm tempted to play, but the freedom they give you is often too much for my imagination to handle. A lot of burned towns, raped women, and destroyed space stations in any PP games I play. Pee pee.

JoshtheMagnificent at 5:20PM, June 22, 2007

Hey man, sweet stuff you got.

dreamwatcher at 5:58AM, June 20, 2007

keep those comix pages coming man!

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