Public Profile


member since January 01, 2009


I am just a bit weird kid from korea.I was in argentina for 5years and recently moved to korea 2years ago…..I am kind of advertising comic because I believe that korean comic is as good as Japan comic.So Im translating few comic that is understandable to other people(this mean no playing with word like skeleton waiter saying bone appetite)I am really glad that youve visited my profile and stay as long as you wish.

Comics By mamaya94

  • Fantasy |
  • 13 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
The Gwang Ju Massacre (a real event) was caused by a former South Korean dictator, who went unpunished and is still alive, happy, and playing golf 30 years later. But now the sons and daughter of the victims are here for their revenge...
  • Fantasy |
  • 232 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
where does your memory begin? story of 5 boys and girl searching for their lost memory so horrible to even remember it.
  • Fantasy |
  • 16 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
They thought the JSS, a team of animal soliders, was destroyed forever. But after a mysterious attack on Vulcan cannon towers, forever ends today.
  • Fantasy |
  • 82 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A Funky,Funny And Romantic Love Story You've Never Seen Or Heard About...
  • Fantasy |
  • 101 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Second thriller of Team Getname. An ordinary man in an unordinary situation. "how superior were you today?" A story of killer VS Assasin and a ordinary man between it

Comics Assisted By mamaya94

No comics.

Comics Recomended By mamaya94

A Drunk Duck featured comic and winner of the Drunk Duck Awards for Best Humor Scenes and Most Deliciously Offensive. Plus the artist is an Adonis of a man. Handsome, charismatic, suave. He saved my mom's life once! All in all, this is one awesome guy.

Saving the world never comes easy, especially when there's a mystery to solve. Two unlikely heroes venture fourth to fight evil monsters and discover the mystery that lies with the Golden Edge

Harkovast and I Fell Down The Stairs give honest reviews to brave volunteers and their comics. A new review every Friday.

mamaya94's friends

Videos Shared By mamaya94

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faulkzilla at 11:48AM, April 21, 2010

i noticed you had a korean vid up there. if you are a korean, thanks for friending a fellowing a korean. If you arnt korean, thanks for friending a korean, haha

Tcb at 7:37PM, Jan. 24, 2010

hey sup man, do you know how to make korean style comics yurself? i've been curious on how long the page has to be. and all that other stuff.

lucas at 7:04PM, May 8, 2009

oh, you lived in argentina??? ENTONCES HABLAS ESPANIOL?? poquito?? jejeje

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