Public Profile


member since October 10, 2006


Hey all its me! Well my name is Mandy.. Well I have many names cause..well just cause. Well I love drawing as you can see I have some stuff up.
I love talking. I am just crazy like that. Well anyway if theres anything else you wanna know do be afraid to ask me. But I am only kidding.;) or am I.. BAHAHAHAHA!! Update: Sept27 2007
hey guys sorry I havent uploaded in awhile there is a very good reason for this. I recently was in the hospital. I have lost the use of my right hand at the moment so I cant really draw. I am in Rehab to get it better as well as my right leg so I am hoping to get something up with in the next few months. thank you that is all!

Comics By mjm

  • Fantasy |
  • 5 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
This is a short story by me and my friend eden. Its about a cafe owner who is in love with one of his customers. But she is not interested it appears she is in to another.
  • Fantasy |
  • 2 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
A band that tries makes it big.. tells about there ups and downs in life and how they see eachother as aband.Its acomedy with romance. It is all about the characters.

Comics Assisted By mjm

No comics.

Comics Recomended By mjm

{STORY \ Bruno Cotting {ILLUST \ Viviane {READING \ from left ---> to right [occidental] {GENRE \ Mystery, Thriller

A blind elven assassin out to prove himself to the world ... and himself.

Things haven't been going well for Tom. His girlfriend's dead, he's a criminal, and he's discovered latent fire-bomb powers. What to do, what to do? Sounds like the perfect time to join a covert organization of political assassins! By Kristen Gudsnuk

no description

Roommates are never easy. These roommates are never normal. How do you manage when you live in a house with a vampire, a ghoul, a medium, and a werewolf. Oh, and the naked ghost.

A variety of short story comics that you don't have to force yourself to catch up with the storyline.

Cajun-spiced, hot-n-heavy, dark-n-deadly, supernatural science fiction goodness in every ever-lovin' spoonful.


mjm's friends

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By mjm

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JoeyOtaka at 2:31PM, May 15, 2007

Oh come now, thats not old! XP ^^ silly person. << 72 is old XP

JoeyOtaka at 2:00PM, May 14, 2007

Lol Kris XD ^^; Anywho! yeah, you said do be afraid to ask... but meh, i'm not afraid XP ^^; how old are ya anyway? o.O

Kristen Gudsnuk at 10:27PM, May 12, 2007

hey thanks for friending me Mandy!!! haha your profile says "Well anyway if theres anything else you wanna know do be afraid to ask me." *is afraid* hehehe

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