Lite Bites Review: Derek Paterson's "Mars," p. 1/4

Genejoke on Oct. 17, 2012

El Cid sez: Ready for another review? Well too bad, cuz this is happening! Yes, this one's a Comic Fury comic, but hey we don't discriminate.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Okay, so strictly speaking, Paterson's
Mars is not truly hard sci-fi, but it does for the most part stick to a hard sci-fi aesthetic. That, and I liked the joke, so I kept the line in there.

About the Author: From his Amazon Profile: Derek Paterson lives in Scotland and writes Science Fiction, Fantasy (the gory kind), adventure and crime fiction. Paterson has authored several books and comics over the years. Here's a link to his bibliography of published works.

Also feel free to check out his Amazon Store!

Also feel free to check out his Amazon Store!

More reviewy goodness comin' atcha' tomorrow!


Review Team



El Cid

Read Derek Paterson's MARS at Comic Fury: