First Snowfall

usedbooks on May 11, 2007

This chapter had much more appropriate weather when I was first drawing it than it has now. Of course, it is fun to be ficticiously immersed in winter as our real summer is approaching. It will be winter in the Used Books world for a few months, so enjoy the chill. ;-) This is a short chapter but with some nice detail and not packed with “talking heads.” My little secret is I love winter, so I'm more apt to draw snowscapes and winter clothes. Just so you know, this chapter contains an unprecidented “cute factor” (boys+girls+snow… I shan't say more) and lacks most of that violent bloodshed stuff. (Violence will return soon, I promise… Let's allow Yuki to heal first.)

I like this page, BTW. It turned out having such a clean look to it. To be honest, I love the look of this whole chapter. If nothing else, I think it helped me practice drawing scenery and full body stuff.