usedbooks on May 22, 2007

This page was in really bad shape before I cleaned it up… Smudges all over, mostly because of that accursed motorcycle! Vehicles!!! Bane of my existance! I erased and redrew that thing a dozen times. Anyway… Tada. Yuki's motorcycle. As you recall from earlier conversations, it is a lilac speed machine that she built herself. It also has her name clearly emblazened on both sides.

Seiko alone to think or sulk or whatever she's gotta do. Probably not a time she needs to be alone, but Kaida has a REALLY good reason for leaving…

Oh, and if you haven't checked it out, Yuki and Tristan are in the DD Beauty Contest. The formal wear event has been posted and is up for voting. The competition is really amazing. Everyone did awesome jobs, so go over there and vote.