In the Name of Love

usedbooks on Aug. 27, 2007

First, this page… Some of the hands look weird/warped but others aren't bad. Ugh… Hands… I actually got Yuki's skin tone right on this one. She's sort of difficult to color, but basically, she has that Californian complexion. You'll notice her *terrific* aim. (Kaida wasn't kidding when she called her "pathetic".)

Now, what is this chapter all about? This two-part Valentine's Day story will contain a dose of that lovey-dovey stuff but also a generous helping of… unpleasantness. And expect to see some faces we haven't seen in a while. (You'll never guess who.)

I received a fanart yesterday from Lonnehart. Apparently, Jiro has been wandering around to other comics. ;-) Click the thumbnail to see whom he has been visiting.

n_y_japlander: I'm 25 and never had a boyfriend – yet? Eh. People in my family tend to “fall in love” late. I think I would make a decent parent but not the best wife. (Is it bad to want your own bedroom? lol)

Peipei: Yeah, Seiko has a few would-be suitors (which will become more obvious in this chapter ;-) ). Most men steer clear of Kaida, though, and not without good reason. Maybe it is good that she and her former hubby never reproduced. o.O