usedbooks on Nov. 9, 2007

I know there's nothing really happening here, but I liked drawing this page. Fun dialogue, facial expressions, and irony – the stuff I'm actually pretty good at, imo. Fudo off-stage is a little different. This is the first time in the chapter you get to really see him out of his circus “character.”

LanceDanger: She's not, but she'll happily pop other people's balloons.

n_y_japlander: As a young man, Fudo liked to stay right on the edge of safe and acceptable behavior. :-o

Peipei: Kaida probably would have popped it herself eventually. (They never got along.) Besides, Violet did want to be included. XD

Tantz: Scary. o_o Thongs scare me…

Jonko: Yeah, I learned about the techniques by watching the knife throwers on Get Smart. One of my favorite episodes is a circus one where the henchmen are a knife thrower and a strong man.

ShinGen: He got across his authenticity and he scored points with Kaida, so there is no remorse for Violet's balloon. lol