usedbooks on Jan. 15, 2008

I really enjoyed drawing panel 1. I don't know why, but it's one of my favorite images of Seiko. As it turns out, likely to no one's surprise, Fudo is generally loathed by all sorts of people. This one happens to be Ronnie (from chapter 26).

Oh, and for anyone who is a little confused by Seiko's motives, remember that her belief in Fudo's worth is based on the fact that he was married to Kaida. – “Kaida wouldn't love a bad person.” Just reminding you, since Seiko said that a couple hundred pages ago (page 187). She hasn't changed her mind about that.

LanceDanger: She is pretty silly, a bit confusing too. XD

simonitro: In my original character sketches, I have noted Seiko as “forgiving to a fault” with “fault” underlined three times. ;-)

n_y_japlander: Several other cast members would disagree about Seiko deserving anything aside from a reprimand. Fudo would be toast if Kaida or Yuki was here.

Peipei: Seiko is far more curious than cautious, and malice probably just makes her feel more defiant and insistent upon staying.

trevoramueller: It can become a habit, but usually there is an initial reason, even if it isn't a good one (anger, “the rush,” something).

Tantz: Have to vent frustration somehow. XD Yeah, unarmed/unsuspecting people are much safer targets.

dueeast: I like that line/exchange too. ^_^ Seiko has a unique approach to criminals.

albone: All very true. As bad as things are, it always feels safer to maintain the status quo, and it's hard to break it.