usedbooks on Feb. 1, 2008

Eh, another artistically lacking page. I did what I could with it, and it does what's needed. Moving on.

I wanted to put the first couple panels into the last page to contrast “rational” with Evan's complete lapse of sanity (so his remark would have more weight and explanation), but it didn't fit. (Which is kinda good, because it means Tantz is less likely to murder me in my sleep…)

BTW, that's Tristan in the first two panels. He looks a lot like Kaida with the blindfold.

LanceDanger: The most unbalanced character I've created so far.

Peipei: The main cast are too talkative and ballsy for their own good.

amanda: Does look kinda prickly, doesn't it? XD

trevoramueller: At least he's keeping his mouth shut.

Tantz: ^_^; Heh heh. Mike has his back – and a few screws loose.

JNP: Shh! You're not supposed to know about Jiro's superpowers yet! XD Luckily, Mike has always been borderline suicidal, buying the others some time.

n_y_japlander: Evan is not a rational man… -_-