Extra: Behind the Scenes 1

usedbooks on April 9, 2012

We're doing “behind the scenes” this week while I work on a few things. I promise I'm not slacking! I'm working on the next chapter/story.

I drew this concept art back in fall of 2010. I had an idea for this arc, but nothing solid. It was the most severe case of writer's block to ever hit me. (And this was after many months of no concept at all, when my party plan was going to be a single chapter of upbeat Kaida-Violet comedy-of-errors.)

You can in this sketch the rough materialization of a setting and characters. I didn't know how big a gang I needed. I planned for three to be killed off and one leader. I did not have the Seiko/Yuki plot planned at the time. That plot is what eventually cured my writer's block, and I added two gang members to fill out the cast. (I was partly inspired by the 2009 Detective Conan movie.)