usedbooks on Jan. 2, 2014

The current chapter had its seeds planted long ago. If you can bear the art, you might want to go back and reread a bit.

Here's a link to page 797.
Or you can cheat and read the summary.

plymayer: Other people recall and tell you things you should remember yourself but don't. People ask you questions about your past you can't answer (or get it wrong). You try to remember a significant event, but the details escape you. – That's retrograde amnesia anyway. There's another type caused by certain afflictions that won't let you create new memories, but it is more rare. (And I have a different kind of amnesia with migraines. It's very short-lived for the duration, but I forget most of my vocabulary and lose short term memory like facts memorized for a test.)

Anubis: Maybe a little, but awkwardness can't last long between friends.

Peipei: You may be on to something there.