usedbooks on Jan. 8, 2015

I used the exact same filter/layer techniques for this page as I do for any other “night” scene but the added snow effects make it all lighter. Meh. It is night, and I hope the blueness conveys that. Oh, and yeah, that’s Conrad. Anyone figure that out? He’s the only mysterious old man with “Tristan’s gait.”

plymayer: Pssht. It's been snowing just a couple hours, and the fridges are stocked. This is a ski resort. I'm sure snow is not outside their preparedness plans.

Anubis: Mind-boggling how that always happens. They never equate age and experience.

ComicMan86: True. Can't just let her run off.

Peipei: At least her impetuousness is helping Seiko and Mike.

ghostrunner: Certainly not this one. She'll lead you off a cliff.

Warpedwenger: Thanks. I pretty much always type something up. It looks better to have typeface. (I'm also amazed at the font sizes some of my readers can decipher. Not this one though.)