Anniversary Special: The Beginning

usedbooks on Feb. 20, 2017

This week (the 23rd to be precise) marks the 10th anniversary of Used Books online. I started drawing UB shortly after Christmas 2006 mainly because I ran out of new episodes of my favorite show and partly to amuse my roommates. It was never intended to be shared beyond our home.

I was attached to my silly little sketches, and my brother talked me into scanning and uploading pages. I thought it would be a good back-up. I never expected the support of so many people. People who told me to stop apologizing, sometimes offered tips, but mostly encouraged me to keep going.

It was suggested in the forums that I redraw one or more of my early pages to mark the occasion. In 2007, I drew up to ten pages a day for my friends. Now I manage one a week, so I made one page. Heh. I hope you enjoy this little remake.

There will be another anniversary extra or two this week (while I visit my best friends and former roommates in the “city” that inspired UB). We will return to our current arc next Monday.