Featured July 24, 2024
Everyone, 66 pages

Tuk lives with odd roommates, a tiny long-neck dinosaur and a mischievous human-sized Venus fly trap with a taste for metal irons and baby poodles. Experiencing a dry spell of good luck as little accidents occur around the house on a regular basis, Tuk constantly lands into disastrous situations such as an ink pen not working, laundry detergent spilling all over the floor, or being harassed by a whole gang of flies. Tuk is visited by a little, little parrot named Lorito, Lorito, when stargazing in the backyard at the end of the day, just in time to block the view.
The entire comic is bilingual in English and Spanish with both translated versions posted in each update. Traditional comic strip format with one to three panels per page.
Move into Tuk’s apartment and read Tuk and His Dinosaur by RGComicArtist, rated E!

Featured July 17, 2024
Mature, 31 pages

What would you do if you had psychokinetic powers? They can be a very dangerous thing if used wrongly… Three nerdy teens living in a very vicious part of town suffer horrible bullying. But they have special abilities their bullies don't know anything about. Those bullies are about to find out the hard way. This is a horror comic about psychic abilities, revenge and murder. The art is monochrome with a lot of black, it's all digital and very professional and honed. - Warning, there's a lot of gore in this comic. Think of the movie Scanners.

Nose Bleed by Skudsink, rated M.

Featured July 10, 2024
Teen, 82 pages

Miss Oaktree is burned out from overwork and has been ordered to take a much needed vacation with hotel plus amenities paid in full, courtesy of her boss. Greeted by a blond bellboy, who holds various job titles around the hotel, from concierge to tiki stand bartender to taxi driver, this double-shift loving acquaintance is about to become really familiar. Finally letting go of work-related stress and spending what felt like an entire weekend partying, Miss Oaktree checks her phone (as per the blond bellboy’s suggestion) to discover that it is still Friday the 26th.
The comic itself contains additional content such as coloring pages, word searches, and maze puzzles, making it the perfect accompaniment to pack when visiting an actual hotel.
Attempt to escape the Marble Tower Hotel and read The Hotel by pinupcitizen, rated T!

Featured July 3, 2024
Teen, 23 pages

This is the story of a young lady starting a new job in the big city, but there's a twist… and quite a big one it turns out: Her huge, twisty, twirly, sinuous, long, scaly, powerful, gigantic snake tail! Because Cotton is a Naga. Naga are a type of half snake, half human creature, think of mermaids except they live on land. After an experience with a nasty inderdimensional war she managed to make her way to the safety and sanity of our world and what better way to start her new life than working in an office doing admin? The art style is manga, it's all black and white, nicely honed, clean, and well practiced. The story is a slice of life comedy with a touch of romance and cheeky sexiness.

Snake in the office by Athorist, rated T.

Featured June 26, 2024
Everyone, 64 pages

Four lizards — Sulky, Laxton, Dohdo, and Flags — have been wandering through a forest joined by Mub, a momma cat with a very hostile opinion of leopards. One evening while Sulky and Mub slip away from the group to collect provisions and two kittens back at Mub’s treehouse, the remaining lizards are kept occupied by reciting ghost stories (aka stories told by really transparent entities) around a fire. It does not take long for the local leopards to figure out the source of the recent negative backlash against leopards, which leads to a chase involving seafaring adventures in shark-infested water and making deals with a mystery man named Katchonko.
The color palette fluctuates between cool colors for nighttime scenes and warm colors for daytime scenes. Highly dynamic action shots and stylistic character designs.
Wave the purple flag of rebellion and read Pipeline Lizards by PipelineLizards, rated E!

Featured June 19, 2024
Teen, 39 pages

In the animal kingdom there are many different groups, but the Ninepoint empire, run exclusively by cats is one of the most powerful. They don't like calicos though… Our story is about Marble, an orphaned Calico who was left for dead as a kitten and yet against all odds he found his way into a family of Racoons and grew up as one of them. Will he find his way back to the empire of his birth that hates and fears him? This is a fury fantasy comic with come comedy, action, adventure, and drama. The art is nicely honed and painted in a flat cell-shaded way without outlines. All digital.

The Scourge of Ninepoint by BonesMcKay, rated T.

Featured June 12, 2024
Everyone, 24 pages

Can you hear the comics Sing? Singing the songs of Musicals—it is a project run by community members that is so jovial. Nine-hundred-thirty-six-thousand-forty-seven comics uploaded to The Duck’s official database. Who am I? Three-Six-Nine-Four-Seven!
Welcome to the 16th Annual Drunk Duck Awards (2024 Edition). This year’s awards is hosted by the Master of Ceremonies, Niccea. The Awards have a Musical theme, which has a nice ring to it, so have out a dancing cane, top hat, and your finest tapping shoes and join in on the festivities. Everyone is Invited and the Ballot Box is open from June 9th to July 6th 2024.
*The winning designer of the 2024 Award Design Contest is mks_monsters!
Sing along to the jellicle comics made by jellicle Ducks and read Drunk Duck Awards 2024 by Niccea, rated E!

Featured June 5, 2024
Teen, 203 pages

Riley Zinc and Flint Dartson smuggle themselves to the crazy sea plateau island of Mercia in an airship and immediately find themselves in the middle of a dastardly mystery! A senator is killed right in front of Riley by having a vending machine squish him flat. By a series of mishaps they end up finding themselves tasked with being a the new bodyguards for a Miya, a strange girl with magical powers and that leads to yet further adventures! A Lunatics Tale features fully coloured digital art with a very refined style and lovely use of colour. The story is action adventure comedy, with magic, mystery and murder!

Read A Lunatics Tale, by BeckKeep, rated T.

Featured May 29, 2024
Mature, 61 pages

Hex, Nemo, and Warren find themselves in a palace suspended in mid-air with little recollection of their former lives or previous identities. Greeted by the whimsical Mr. Orion, dressed in the finest mint green suit while floating down with a handful of balloons, the trio is offered employment by the Imagi Nation, an organization that dispatches Imaginary Friends to Real Friends. Imaginary Friend training includes a personal instructor who was once an Imaginary Friend. Linked by a physically empathic wavelength, Imaginary and Real friends experience similar bodily sensations like shared panic attacks and nausea. Imaginary Friends are granted one wish following the successful completion of their contract.
The art is expressed in a dreamlike, digital watercolor style with lines bending between the real and imaginary. A showcase of vivid colors composed of bright hues are contrasted against a palette of dark shades to indicate a more sinister theme.
Expose the dark underbelly of Mr. Orion’s technicolor personality and read Friendship Material by InkyMoondrop, rated M!

Featured May 22, 2024
Mature, 51 pages

n a world of dungeons, bars, ale, medieval fantasy, leather, swords, castles, magic and sexy red devil women lives Lidda, a bouncy, buxom, scar covered little halfling with a chaotic, earthy personality. She's a mercenary and we're going to follow her on a job with the scarlet devil lady Euphoria as they use their whiles and their muscles to accomplish a rather dodgy covert objective. The are is lush, digital, and full colour. The story is a comedic fantasy. There's some racing language and a touch of harmless nudity here so beware.

Faeward - by Fancyfatale, rated M.

Featured May 15, 2024
Everyone, 54 pages

Issue 01 demonstrates how the lives of intergalactic Squid People are not so different from the lives of humans on planet Earth. “The Quirk” opens with an unnamed squid office employee and the unforeseen challenges of getting to work on time. The lack of a nose and hair made entirely out of tentacles does little to prevent a broken down car and snapping the high-heel off a pair of pumps before nearly missing a train to work. What started out as a day to celebrate a birthday quickly descends into an unfortunate day of back-to-back disasters. Adding insult to injury, the mechanical “Officer Sparkles”, an invasive flying camera built to record misdemeanor citations, is on patrol chasing squid people around town and administering a fee to citizens for breaking the law.
The art looks like a mixture of black and white line art drawn on paper with extra touch ups and shading completed digitally. Incredibly clean and stylistic perspective drawings. The backgrounds really anchor the characters into the setting.
Wake up to Issue 02 featuring Captain Bacon and the Toasted Wonder in the Sizzleverse and read Somewhere in the Universe by Marchy_D, rated E!

Featured May 8, 2024
Mature, 51 pages

Out of college Elizabeth and her girlfriend Tasha are just starting out and making their way in the world together. The time for all day videogame marathons and bongs are over for Elizabeth, she gets a cool job at a place called AllTrades but Tasha isn't quite so keen in following suit… Elizabeth's developing office relationships are pretty cool and very relatable as she slowly works to fit in, but is her relationship with Tasha going as well? This is a slice of life, comedy drama, the writing is non-linear and jumps around the story timeline very effectively. The art is all digital, full colour, and stylised in a way that minimises line-work to give things a cut-out feel.

Jack of AllTrades, by Allan, rated M.

Featured May 1, 2024
Everyone, 16 pages

Lonely Planets is a chronological, monthly slice-of-life comic centered around a mother, a father, and their son. Mini vignettes of each month’s most memorable adventure is told in the span of a series of 2x2 comic strips. It is a snapshot of married life overlapping with middle-life and deals with being a selective story teller; the reason an entire community loves to go outside on walks in the fresh air; the strange behaviors of cats; and broad references to 1950s musical numbers.
This comic contains multiple languages, a blend of East Asian languages along with “Cat-texts” share the pages with the English language.
Become acquainted with Pinocat, the black-and-white cat whose ears lengthen when thinking about a non-truth, and read Lonely Planets by Liuding Ninjia, rated E!

Featured April 24, 2024
Mature, 676 pages

The Outbreak is a chaotic, frenetic, frenzy of non-stop action! The fight scenes are constant in this world of zombie apocalypse. The hardcore Rock, crafty Doc, and crazed Hobart are more than a match for the hordes of zombies and mad Asshats, roaming the wastelands. Their life is a constant battle and the zombies never end. The Outbreak is hilarious, gross, disgusting, and full on with no breaks, it's a comedy, action thriller zombie story with heaps of satire and parody thrown in. The art is deliberately simplified and done in a childish style that fits the theme very well. Initially pen and ink the later parts of the comic are in full colour and digitally drawn in a more honed, adult style.

The Outbreak - by the_stumbling_dead, rated M.

Featured April 17, 2024
Teen, 34 pages

Grimmy Gruesome’s alarm wakes him up at 6:66 AM each day. His micro-wardrobe has been filled with the same black, hooded cloak since the Dawn of Time. Grimmy is very serious about taking lives for his job and excels at reaching weekly death toll quotas. Grimmy’s days are numbered on a calendar (just like everybody else) yet it is impossible for him to physically die. The only Soul he plays is on the electric guitar.
One to three paneled, horizontal comic strip format. The art is in black and white with pops of color used to emphasize objects against the contrasting grayscale.
Witness the battle between Death and Coffee and read GRM by GustavIAm, rated T!

Featured April 10, 2024
Everyone, 32 pages

Adrian is having a massive run of bad luck! He lost his family villa, all his money and almost everything he inherited… except a giant agricultural robot mechsuit. Maybe he can turn his life around? He had better hurry though, he doesn't have much time till he has to repay all his debits, maybe with his life! The art here is all digital and brightly coloured, in the characteristic style of Mr Marcorossi. The story is very fast paced and the exposition is very clever, jumping you into things and catching you up to speed very quickly without spoon feeding you. The style is action adventure SciFi!

Bunyan Mk7 - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Bunyan_Mk7, by Marcorossi , rated T.

Featured April 3, 2024
Teen, 30 pages

Heligeiss painstakingly brushes calligraphy on error-prone scrolls, under the strict amusement and watchful eye of Galadin. Today’s daily lesson is missing a section on transmutation magic — a type of magic deemed useful as Heligeiss has not been instructed on combat magic. Galadin placed a curse on Heligeiss over ten years ago that has yet to be lifted and it is up to Heligeiss to fully understand his teachings before the curse can be cured.
The art is showcased in fully colored, full-sized pages in a comic story format. Opulent usage of strong blue, deep purple, and cyan hues contrasted with bright golds for added lighting effects.
Find out whether Heligeiss will ever break free from the prison of calligraphy classes and read Prisoner of Paint by AnimatedArmor, rated T!

Featured March 27, 2024
Mature, 94 pages

Being a nightclub singer, dressing in fancy clothes, impressing the crowd, and performing should be a dream! but not for Amphi, not anymore… The city she loves has fallen to corruption and greed, the mob controls the town, they control everything! And now what's worse is they're even letting monsters into the place… But maybe things will change, her heart is stirring.
This is an anthro comic with some groovy character designs, it's mainly black and white with some limited colour, very clean lines and a beautifully honed style. The story is a drama, with hints of romance, noir, and mobsters!

Soulmates by SirMollington - by Sir_Mollington, rated M.

Featured March 20, 2024
Teen, 53 pages

Edward (also known as Lydia’s Minion Renfield) is an employee of Lydia Lestrange, the sometimes loopy owner of the establishment Cafe Lestrange. Haru, a prospective employee wakes up bright and early for an interview, only to be met with a flying high kick! Lydia was once a powerful vampire, but has since replaced the blood habit with copious amounts of blood substitute and highly caffeinated coffee.
The art uses a simplified white, black, and medium gray color gradient. Drawn in vertical, three to four panel strip format.
Watch Lydia and Renfield pick out the cafe’s official employee uniform and read Cafe Strange by synwells, rated T!

Featured March 13, 2024
Mature, 36 pages

Sandra, Sandra, Sandra! Sandra is an anthro woman based on a cat. She has Asperger's and that affects the way she interacts with people and her daily routine. Fortunately she lives with her best friend, who's there to help her cope when things get to be too much for her. This is a slice of life comic about the the vicissitudes of her daily fortune, the silly things that happen, her wishful thinking, and the way she deals with things. It's all black and white line art. It's sort of a spinoff of two earlier comics also by Lionclaw, Sandra's Day Volume 1, and A Normal Life. So read those as well if you need more perspective on the characters and their world.

Sandra's Day, by Lionclaw, rated M.

Featured March 6, 2024
Everyone, 178 pages

Alea is known by the alias, Feather, a heroic fighter protecting the town of Havpork from monsters. Enter Steel, the effervescent arch-nemesis of Feather, whose namesake is the opposite of soft and light. The town of Havpork has been left without a hero following an unsuccessful battle against Steel, where he posed the question, “Aren’t you tired of everyone having a say in who you’re supposed to be; what you’re supposed to do?” Alea changes her tune when she begins helping out the local community and realizes helping people feels just as good as winning.
The art is filled with color, the majority of the pages are fully digitally colored. Amusingly creative and unconventional scenes, such as a clothed horse walking on two legs
Break a few eggs laid by the Eggtopus and read They’re Both a Kilogram by Kilobran, rated E!

Featured Feb. 28, 2024
Everyone, 31 pages

Sena dreams of the legends of old, the fantastic tales of the past with the four mighty kingdoms and heroes with the power of bending fire, earth, water, and air. And of course the stories of the fabled avatars. His current world is a very different place from the one he reads about.
Adventures of Sena is set in the world of “Avatar: the last Airbender”. Normally we don't feature fan works but this is a grey area because it's a fan fiction comic of a cartoon so the original work is in a different form. This is also a very worthy piece of work that has had a lot of effort and creativity put into it to a professional level. The art is finely honed, detailed and beautiful, and the story is dense and cleverly thought out. Clearly a work of love.

Adventures of Sena by edniz, rated E.

Featured Feb. 21, 2024
Everyone, 98 pages

Christine La Blanc has just been taken prisoner on board pirate trader Osareeus’ spaceship. Upon contact, small and strangely dressed Christine was mistaken for a terragin, but is actually from planet Earth. Osareeus wishes to converse with Christine, who speaks both French and English, mainly because she is female. The Brig requires that all merchandise belonging to prisoners is confiscated, including the meteorite Christine was carrying at the time of arrest. Magically by happenstance, Christine shares a secret link of communication with the greatest hero the galaxy has ever known, Cometman.
The art and style is drawn mostly in black and white. Dialogue is multilingual oscillating between French, English, and Alien language. Cometman is a Blazing Penguin Comics production.
Will Cadet Crogus of the Infinity Watch be released from his cell? Find out by reading Cometman by gokid9, rated E!

Featured Feb. 14, 2024
Teen, 105 pages

Abel has suffered terribly, he dies in awful pain after being attacked by a demon and seeing his family killed, if only someone could save him. Hoover is a small silly vacuum cleaner demon, he doesn't have many prospects and other demons pick on him, if only he could find someone who needs him… These two entities find one another and unite in an unlikely team. VacMan is born! Part man, part demon vacuum cleaner. Will they be able to help one another? this is a very interesting pixel art webcomic all done with line art. It has a very unusual look to it. The story is pared down and quite simple but it's still very engaging and interesting because of the focus on these two characters.

VacMan by Spooky Kitsune, rated T.

Featured Feb. 7, 2024
Teen, 92 pages

Oliver has achieved a reputation (and a promotion) for getting work assignments completed in his department for Selene, the office boss and show runner. Once home, Oliver has game nights and creates art because there is nothing more enjoyable than rolling a chair up to a desk and drawing on a digital tablet. There have been strange occurrences at night that Oliver can not recollect or explain and it is when he transforms into Olivia, an overachieving, multi-tasking master, office goddess. Chaos ensues when the sudden transformations confuse the entire office team.
The art is drawn and colored digitally. The creator, CorneliusCool, credits S.M. Carvajal and Slingy (on The Duck) as cowriters of the comic.
Learn how work and play are the same by reading Curse of the Office Werewoman by CorneliusCool, rated T!


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