MAFIA... and other forum games

Mafia II: The Expanded Edition
gullas at 12:26AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007
okay lets looka at the clues…
'Twas the first night of the… night. The air was crisp and cool, yet also electrified with electricity.

One townie is in his house. Staring at the crackling fire of his fireplace, he knew his time was up. Just then, a stranger entered his through the front door.

“So, you're here to kill me. I can honestly say I'm not surprised.” said the townie.

“Relax, it will all be over soon.” said the stranger.

“You're dumb!” said the townie.

“Hey, I'm not dumb! I planned this all along!” retorted the stranger.

The stranger then pulled out a gun… *BANG* *BANG* …the townie was dead.

“Well, that was easy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a bowl of gazpacho waiting for me at home… Oh wait, you can't excuse me, because you're dead! BWAHAHAHA!!!”

Ozoneocean the Jail-keeper has been killed.
Okay, this makes no sense for me what so ever. Might be the work of the Brains?
Meanwhile, in another house, another person was about to settle down to some popcorn or something, but as he was about to reach for the Jiffy-Pop…


Right in the refrigerator, a Sword of Osiris had been thrown.

“Jeepers creepers! It's the Ripper! Why do bad things always happen to me?” screeched the man with the popcorn.

“Are you serious? Nothing but bad things are bound to arise here, in a town full of mafiosos and ne'er-do-wells such as myself!” chuckled the Ripper.

So the fight began, but before the Ripper could cast a final blow, the popcorn-man was able to grasp for the Sword of Osiris stuck in the fridge.

The defender yelled, “A ha! Now the sword is on the other fo–”


Just then, a sniper bullet from nowhere pierced the defender's right leg.

“Et tu, assassin?!?!” wailed the wounded popcorn-wielding man.

“Well, looks like my job is done!” said the Ripper as he merrily skipped out of the house.

It seemed as though it was the end for the popcorn-man, but just then, a paramedic showed up!

“Sorry I can't stay, but I'm going to miss my shows!” said the paramedic in a rush.

Hooray! No one has died in this house tonight.
Somehow I feel that these lines “…ne'er-do-wells…” and “Et tu” might have something to do with this…
“Oh boy! I can't wait for my shows!” said the paramedic, gleefully running from the house that wreaked with popcorn and artificial butter. Just then, the paramedic saw a familiar face near the door of his house.

“Hey guy,” yelled the paramedic. “Did you wanna watch some TV with me, friend?”

“Oh, be quiet,” said the stranger. “I am so sick and tired of the things that come from your mouth! All you bring to this town is death and destruction! I'm so angry at you that I could… I… I'm… I'm going to throw this brick at your head!”

And so the man did. The brick flung through the air and struck the paramedic right in the temple. The paramedic then collapsed on the floor.

“Hello? Hello?!” shouted the man to the lifeless paramedic. “Oops… well, um… see you later!”

But he never did see him later, because the paramedic was dead!

Harkovast the paramedic has been killed.
Okay either it is someone who Harkovast has declared a friend in the thread or someone who was really against his conspiracy therories…
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:39PM
crocty at 12:48AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Well okay, I'm gonna have a closer look, listing all the things that could be clues. I'll investigate them to see if they point to everyone soon.

'Twas the first night of the… night. The air was crisp and cool, yet also electrified with electricity.

One townie is in his house. Staring at the crackling fire of his fireplace, he knew his time was up. Just then, a stranger entered his through the front door.

“So, you're here to kill me. I can honestly say I'm not surprised.” said the townie.

“Relax, it will all be over soon.” said the stranger.

“You're dumb!” said the townie.

“Hey, I'm not dumb! I planned this all along!” retorted the stranger.

The stranger then pulled out a gun… *BANG* *BANG* …the townie was dead.

“Well, that was easy. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a bowl of gazpacho waiting for me at home… Oh wait, you can't excuse me, because you're dead! BWAHAHAHA!!!”
The air was apparently crisp and cool, and filled with electricity, sounds unusual, so it's probably a clue.

The killer entered the house through the front door, instead of breaking in. Again, I have no idea what these could mean, but it's possible they're clues.

Then there's the argument with Ozone. So, if there's someone who's argued with Ozone, that might be referencing to that.

Gazpacho…I have no idea what this is. o_o

So we have four possible clues for the first person.

Now for the second person

Meanwhile, in another house, another person was about to settle down to some popcorn or something, but as he was about to reach for the Jiffy-Pop…


Right in the refrigerator, a Sword of Osiris had been thrown.

“Jeepers creepers! It's the Ripper! Why do bad things always happen to me?” screeched the man with the popcorn.

“Are you serious? Nothing but bad things are bound to arise here, in a town full of mafiosos and ne'er-do-wells such as myself!” chuckled the Ripper.

So the fight began, but before the Ripper could cast a final blow, the popcorn-man was able to grasp for the Sword of Osiris stuck in the fridge.

The defender yelled, “A ha! Now the sword is on the other fo–”


Just then, a sniper bullet from nowhere pierced the defender's right leg.

“Et tu, assassin?!?!” wailed the wounded popcorn-wielding man.

“Well, looks like my job is done!” said the Ripper as he merrily skipped out of the house.

It seemed as though it was the end for the popcorn-man, but just then, a paramedic showed up!

“Sorry I can't stay, but I'm going to miss my shows!” said the paramedic in a rush.

Hooray! No one has died in this house tonight.
The sword was thrown…I dunno if it's a clue, but maybe it's someone who…throws things alot? o_o

The person claims that this kind of thing always happens, as if they know this happens. So, maybe someone who was in the mafia the last time, or something?

The ripper was about to be killed by his own sword, when he was saved by someone else - probably the assassin - So maybe this person gets in trouble alot, and other people get them out of it?…

The person skips out of the house . I'm not sure what this means. :/

I'm not gonna do the clues for Harkovast's killing, as Dukat says it was the vigilante, and if we were to find out who the vigilante is, the mafia would kill them, and we'd lose an important member.
Although I was never informed, why or how do you know it was the vigilante, Dukat?

Okay, after this post I'll have a look at everyone for clues. (Yeah, I have the time to do this, I don't get out enough. ._. )

Oh, and I wanted to ask, is it daytime now?
I'm pretty sure it is, seeing as though the night narrative was announced, but, I wanna make sure. :o
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
skoolmunkee at 1:03AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
Guys, Humorman laid out the roles and rules a long time ago, if you complain about them now it just means you didn't read carefully enough before you signed up. It was pretty clear from the beginning that it wasn't going to be the same as BK's game. It's not humorman's fault that he's following the rules he set out.

Edit: haha, other people were working on clues at the same time. :]

gullas- the Brain can't kill
crocty- good ideas!

I will try and do a clue breakdown- but before I can do that I need humorman to confirm where he is drawing clues from. Humorman- you said you would be drawing clues from things people have said and done in this thread? Not from profiles, etc.? (What if someone hasn't done anything at all in the thread?)

We have 7 possible killers in this game:
2 vigilantes
1 Ripper (sword of osiris clues, can kill 2x night)
1 assassin
1 serial killer
1 paranoid
1 random

We can't really speculate on what the random's role is, it's unlikely to be a killing role but the chance is there so we should list him.

1st clue - was not done by the assassin or ripper. Ripper would include Sword of Osiris clues, and assassin leaves no clues, and there seems to be a clue here. It's not the paranoid either, as a jail keeper Oz wouldn't be able to do anything that would provoke the backfired action. So- Oz was probably killed by a vigilante or the serial killer. I'm guessing serial killer because the narrative talks about it having been planned.

Potential clues:
gazpacho - a cold tomato and vegetable soup originating in Spain
weather - crisp, cool, but “electrified with electricity”. There is a fire going
dialogue - there may be some clue in the whole ‘you’re dumb' ‘no I’m not' thing.

2nd clue - Although no one died thanks to the late Harkovast, this was committed by the Ripper and the assassin. That doesn't necessarily show foreknowledge of the target's role- just an organized attempt to take one person's life. If the ripper has 2 kills a night, why not use one of them to make sure someone dies? (Well, that didn't work.) The target could have been anyone (non mafia)- there's a way that this scenario could work out for every role, even the paranoid. I suggest we stop trying to figure out what role the target has. That information can only benefit the mafia, who was trying to kill this person in the first place, so they're the only ones who would be able to link this role to an actual player. The less information they have, the better.

Potential clues:
Since the assassin leaves no clues (other than being identified in the narrative, I'm guessing), any clues here point to the Ripper. From what I understand, there ought to be clues in addition to the mention of the Sword of Osiris- the SoO is just mentioned to link all his killings, not to be his sole clue. So,
Popcorn, jiffy pop - it's mentioned a couple times
fridge - where the sword stuck
jeepers creepers, bad things happen to me - possibly a reference to in-thread talk?
et tu - also possibly a reference to something, just sticks out a bit

3rd clue
This was also committed by a vigilante or the serial killer (or the random). I'm guessing it was a vigilante in this case, based on the narrative- the killer was sick of Hark making a ruckus, and killed him rather unimpressively and a bit accidentally with a brick.

I also suggest we do not try and figure out who this killer is, because we want the vigilante to remain hidden.

Clearly not everyone used their kills tonight. I find it strange that the Ripper didn't use his other kill- unless he did, and the action was blocked for some reason (target already dead, target someone protected like veteran or mayor). Not sure if humorman will give us any indications in those cases.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:42PM
crocty at 1:07AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Wait. I've just realised.
The first killer mentioned having to go to gazpacho, and the person who was going to be killed by the ripper but saved said “Et tu”
So, maybe they're the same person? I mean, they both mentioned Spanish things.
I mean, I don't know this for sure, it might just be a coincidence, but it's possible that the mafia wanted to kill the vigilante or serial killer, who also killed Ozone?
I'm taking a closer look at the clues now, but I just wanted to put that out there right now…
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
skoolmunkee at 1:13AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
the person who was going to be killed by the ripper but saved said “Et tu”
So, maybe they're the same person? I mean, they both mentioned Spanish things.

'Et tu' isn't spanish, it's Latin. It's a phrase from Shakespeare's Julius Ceasar, said by Caesar to his killer just before he died. However, it's usually used as an accusation of betrayal.

I don't think the mafia knows any roles at this point, I think their targets are based on just what we mafia did last game- pick out high-profile people, active people and that will hopfully A: hinder the figuring out of clues, and B: cause confusion about motives.

Oz played very well last game so he was a threat this time around. He was also asking to be killed, so why not?

We don't know who the second target was, or their role, and I suggest we keep it that way. But I think it would be safe to assume that it is a person the mafia either thought was a threat based on the previous game, or has been very visible in this game.

Hark was killed by the vigilante so it was pretty clearly a grudge thing. Again, bad idea to figure out who this is.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:42PM
crocty at 1:14AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
I heard that tu was spanish for you, so I just kinda assumed et tu was Spanish…
Ugh, that ruins that theory then. >.<

Oh wait, used in betrayal? I remember seeing that the mafia members could kill each other. But I can't think of any possible reason as to why they'd kill each other so early in the game…

Okay, Skool made me think. We should probably just work on the one that we know the mafia did.
The first one was possibly the serial killer, but it could be the vigilante. Working out the clues would do the mafia's work for them. So perhaps we should just focus on the second one for now?
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
skoolmunkee at 1:21AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
I heard that tu was spanish for you, so I just kinda assumed et tu was Spanish…
Ugh, that ruins that theory then. >.<

Oh wait, used in betrayal? I remember seeing that the mafia members could kill each other. But I can't think of any possible reason as to why they'd kill each other so early in the game…

I'm not sure if mafia members can kill each other or not, but there's no reason they'd want to (at this point in the game) other than to throw suspicion off one of themselves. However, that would only work if everyone knew what player that was. No one does. It doesn't say ‘username was saved’ it just says ‘no one died’. None of the mafia are protected at night, so it makes no sense for them to send 2 killers after him, since one should have been able to do the job.

I suspect that IF ‘et tu’ is significant, it probably refers to a betrayal- someone the target thought was on their side (maybe someone who voted for them as mayor or something?). However- this one is tricky because if that is the case, then we'd need to know which player was targeted- which we don't unless they tell us. So it may not be a useful clue at this point.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:42PM
humorman at 1:46AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 919
joined: 12-28-2007
Narrative Hints

- Look back at previous posts. In each part of the narrative, there is usually one or two bits of info that are synonymous with something that the killer said in earlier posts.

- Demeanor is also important. Usually, the victim and killer will express their feelings toward each other from earlier posts during the narrative.

- If you killed, but never posted, it's highly likely that your character wouldn't talk that much (if at all) in the narrative.

- Beware of red herrings! Not everything in the narrative may be a clue.

Billy vs. Tree – The epic struggle of boy versus tree.
Sonic Colores – It looks like it's going to be a good game because I love how the way it makes me grow.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:51PM
crocty at 1:51AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Narrative Hints

- Look back at previous posts. In each part of the narrative, there is usually one or two bits of info that are synonymous with something that the killer said in earlier posts.

- Demeanor is also important. Usually, the victim and killer will express their feelings toward each other from earlier posts during the narrative.

- If you killed, but never posted, it's highly likely that your character wouldn't talk that much (if at all) in the narrative.

- Beware of red herrings! Not everything in the narrative may be a clue.
Will avatars and profiles be part of the clue?
Oh, and screennames?
If not I just wasted about 1 hour of my life going to everyone's profile. :(
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
humorman at 1:59AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 919
joined: 12-28-2007
Narrative Hints

- Look back at previous posts. In each part of the narrative, there is usually one or two bits of info that are synonymous with something that the killer said in earlier posts.

- Demeanor is also important. Usually, the victim and killer will express their feelings toward each other from earlier posts during the narrative.

- If you killed, but never posted, it's highly likely that your character wouldn't talk that much (if at all) in the narrative.

- Beware of red herrings! Not everything in the narrative may be a clue.
Will avatars and profiles be part of the clue?
Oh, and screennames?
If not I just wasted about 1 hour of my life going to everyone's profile. :(

Sorry, but no.

I did it this way so I could obtain clues from people without a profile/signature/avatar. As for screen names, it would be difficult to incorporate them into a clue without making them look like a dead giveaway.

Billy vs. Tree – The epic struggle of boy versus tree.
Sonic Colores – It looks like it's going to be a good game because I love how the way it makes me grow.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:51PM
crocty at 2:01AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Okay then, I just have to look back through the thread for clues. Huh, I guess that's simple enough.
Thans for clearing that up.

I have now gone through this thread~
Okay, I think the throwing thing I mentioned is too vague to be a clue, although Waff did mention wanting to use the catapult. Catapult = Throwing?
As for food, Niccea mentioned they would've starved if Gullas hadn't have cannibal'd it up. She also mentioned Waff was low on food…
There was a part where Niccea said that Ochi was a traitor, so possibly the second hit person was Niccea, and Ochi is the ripper?
But, that's just one tiny small clue. It could point to anyone.

That's all I can think of. My brain is hurting now, and I hardly did anything. ):

heres my version of the attempted kill last night: mafia+vigalante targeted veteran who was protected by paramedic.
Nope, the mafia and vigilante can't work together as far as I know. The second attacker left no clue other than that they sniped them, so it was probably the ripper and assassin. And I can find no clues about the rippper.

): we need someone good at this.
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
Skullbie at 2:02AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 4,805
joined: 12-9-2007
Betting 20$ Ochitsukanai is mafia.

last edited on July 14, 2011 3:47PM
waff at 2:17AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 1,486
joined: 10-18-2008
heres my version of the attempted kill last night: mafia+vigalante targeted veteran who was protected by paramedic.

'there is no “overkill” there is only “open fire” and “time to reload” rule #37
the things on my box are a dead squirell, a medal and a paper bag hat.
ow! I have shards of the fourth wall in my eye!
WAFF-MAN!! as of mafia VI
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:44PM
crocty at 2:26AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Oops. I just edited my post when I thought I was posting another one. Oh well, my post up there's updated. It's not much use, but eh…
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
skoolmunkee at 3:04AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
heres my version of the attempted kill last night: mafia+vigalante targeted veteran who was protected by paramedic.

The narrative tells us that it was the ripper (swords of osiris) and assassin ('assassin' and sniper rifle) who went after that target. (There is nothing stopping the vigilante from targeting someone the mafia has also targeted though- and remember, each godfather can invite one person to join the mafia- though I doubt they'll have used that yet.)

I want to repeat that it's a bad idea to try and figure out what role the target has- that's not important to us as townies, but is very important to the mafia. We'd be doing their work for them. They've already wasted 2 hits on that person, we'd like them to keep wasting hits trying to figure things out.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:42PM
gullas at 3:07AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 2,315
joined: 11-14-2007

Funny, because that's what I've been offering everyone who died unjustly in the first game. Only I don't plan to commit suicide to do so.
My gut feeling tells me that Hakoshen and Los might have banded together or that either one of them might be an mafia/serial killer/ vigilante thing…
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:39PM
waff at 3:20AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 1,486
joined: 10-18-2008
well I know one of the vigalantes killed last night.

'there is no “overkill” there is only “open fire” and “time to reload” rule #37
the things on my box are a dead squirell, a medal and a paper bag hat.
ow! I have shards of the fourth wall in my eye!
WAFF-MAN!! as of mafia VI
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:44PM
skoolmunkee at 3:40AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
well I know one of the vigalantes killed last night.

Yes, he killed harkovast. Comparing the two narratives, Oz's planned killing sounds serial killer, and hark's lame brick sounds vigilante. The other vigilante didn't act, and the Ripper only used one of his kills.

How do you feel now, vigilante. T_T

If the clues are being drawn from actions and relationships in this thread, then we need to pay attention to:

Who Oz had a somewhat silly feud with BEFORE he was killed (I can think of redbaron off the top of my head, would need to reread the thread for more) - And then try to link up things in the narrative with things from the thread.

We don't want to try to figure out who killed Harkovast- since it's almost certain this was done by the vigilante, we don't want them exposed. That would just be handing the mafia their name on a platter.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:42PM
crocty at 3:54AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Who Oz had a somewhat silly feud with BEFORE he was killed (I can think of redbaron off the top of my head, would need to reread the thread for more) - And then try to link up things in the narrative with things from the thread.
“'Twas the first night of the… night. The air was crisp and cool, yet also electrified with electricity.”
Planes fly, and are electric. :o
Although I dunno if baron mentioned the fact that he's a plane in the thread, and only things in the tread count, so unless the plane-ness was mentioned, that clue doesn't refer to that.

And yes, Baron and Ozone did seem to have a disagreement.

There were the other two clues I thought of. The innocence of walking in the door, and the gazpacho. I don't know how they'd fit in with Baron, but right now, Baron's looking like a likely suspect…
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
Niccea at 3:59AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 5,902
joined: 8-10-2007
Betting 20$ Ochitsukanai is mafia.

ME TOO! Seriously. I'm not rebel rousing or anything like that. There is a clue…wait…dammit…the assassin doesn't leave clues.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
skoolmunkee at 4:28AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
I want to point out something:

“Paramedics may go to one house and attempt to save the life of someone they think may die in the night”

There's no distinction here between one hit on the target or multiple. It's possible that in Humorman's rules, the presence of the paramedic meant that anyone would have been saved from both hits, not just a person with a special role.

Ozone seemed to have feuds going with leaderofstars and the2ndredbaron. redbaron in particular has been acting cocky and saying he's invincible. however, the LoS-Oz thing DID pretty much boil down to ‘you’re dumb' ‘no I’m not, you are' (because LoS gave away his role last game, but Oz ended up trusting a mafia). I'm focusing on those two for killing Oz, based on the rule that clues will come from in-thread conversation.

From the clue:
“I'm not dumb! I planned this all along!”
From the thread:
“regardless do y'all want to know why i revealed my role in the last game?”
“after i was on the chopping block for being lynched, i revealed my role because i knew the mafia would put me on the top of the hit-list. i even pq'd a few people in hopes that one of them was mafia. oh how i begged the not to lynch me oh how i begged”
“its not called being gullible if you plan it”

OK, that does it for me. I'm voting to lynch leaderofstars.

Re-reading this whole thread is a huge chore. T_T I think I might have preferred profile based clues. Someone kill me so I don't have to do this again.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:42PM
theorah at 4:43AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 78
joined: 7-19-2006
This is great, I didnt think things would be so detective like in this game!! :D
I'm writing down all these random notes to try figure out who could be who! XD I agree that Baron is highly suspect! Ozone was begging to be killed yesterday XD So maybe Ozone and Baron are masons (they knew each others roles/know each other? Thats what a mason is, right?) and Ozone planned with Baron to kill him, knowing that Baron was a serial killer?? …I dont know! >_<
I've never played this game before, so tell me if I've just made some bad theories that make no sense =_=
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:25PM
theorah at 4:45AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 78
joined: 7-19-2006
From the clue:
“I'm not dumb! I planned this all along!”
From the thread:
“regardless do y'all want to know why i revealed my role in the last game?”
“after i was on the chopping block for being lynched, i revealed my role because i knew the mafia would put me on the top of the hit-list. i even pq'd a few people in hopes that one of them was mafia. oh how i begged the not to lynch me oh how i begged”
“its not called being gullible if you plan it”

OK, that does it for me. I'm voting to lynch leaderofstars.

Re-reading this whole thread is a huge chore. T_T I think I might have preferred profile based clues. Someone kill me so I don't have to do this again.

oooh you got a point there! 0_0
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:25PM
Ozoneocean at 5:05AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 28,852
joined: 1-2-2004
maybe Ozone and Baron are masons
OOoooooOOOO I'm ghostly.

-Impossible to be a mason. That's a separate role. I was a jail keeper thingy before I died. ;)

last edited on July 14, 2011 2:33PM
crocty at 5:07AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
This is great, I didnt think things would be so detective like in this game!! :D
I'm writing down all these random notes to try figure out who could be who! XD I agree that Baron is highly suspect! Ozone was begging to be killed yesterday XD So maybe Ozone and Baron are masons (they knew each others roles/know each other? Thats what a mason is, right?) and Ozone planned with Baron to kill him, knowing that Baron was a serial killer?? …I dont know! >_<
I've never played this game before, so tell me if I've just made some bad theories that make no sense =_=
Well, Masons' roles are that they know each other, and therefore can trust that they are not in the mafia, or are the serial killer.
They don't get secondary roles, so if Baron was the serial killer, he couldn't be the mason either.

Skool seems to be doing really good this time ‘round. o_o If she’s on the mafia again, we're screwed.
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM
skoolmunkee at 5:09AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
Ozone was begging to be killed yesterday

He was begging to be killed beacuse he was the jailkeeper. Getting killed would work for him because A: he didn't really want to play the game fully this time, and B: he knew none of us were that keen on the whole jail thing. Ozone dying did us a huge favor.

I've been re-reading this thread and I'm thinking that Ochi is acting really suspiciously. I'm not making an accusation yet, but here's what we've got from the thread:

Niccea runs for mayor. Then Ochi runs for mayor. Niccea is upset because they had previously agreed to not BOTH run for mayor.

Ochi starts insinuating that Niccea is the paranoid, based on information from private conversations - why would a townie want to reveal another townie's role like that, if it were true? A mafia would love to reveal people's roles in an effort to get confirmation or damage reputations. A mafia would also love to lie about people's roles to create confusion.

Ochi then decides to start campaigning to get Niccea lynched before she is even mayor! Her argument basically goes, “lynch niccea, I'm sure she's guilty. if she's innocent then you can lynch me next, but look, she was only the paranoid anyway and that's dangerous to have around.”

If Ochi was a mafia, she KNEW she could SAFELY make that argument because she could get TWO people to try and kill someone the first night (ostensibly the paranoid). TWO PEOPLE, both mafia. It's just luck that the hit was thwarted, because of the paramedic. If Niccea was the target, (regardless of whether she is the paranoid or not), she would die before she ever came up for lynching- relieving Ochi of the person she'd already made suspicious, someone they couldn't easily hit later if their numbers were reduced, and no responsibility for having to lead a lynch (and thus risk her own position as mayor).

And then, as soon as the votes for mayor are in and Ochi has won, and night cycle begins, Ochi shushes right up about the whole mini-feud and hardly says anything at all (other than to defend herself against Hark a couple times). Possibly trying to get us to forget how much she wanted Niccea dead a couple days ago?

Anyway, I don't have any clues for that. But it struck me really strongly when re-reading the thread. I have experience with that kind of thing. lol!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:42PM
skoolmunkee at 5:10AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
If she's on the mafia again, we're screwed.
I'm not. :] Although you're acting awfully disingenuous in this thread crocty…

I'm afraid I don't have much for the failed killing (for the Ripper)… the best bet is probably the ‘bad things always happen to me’ and ‘what did you expect, the town is full of bad people’ stuff. I can't think of anyone who was complaining about that much in the thread so far, and nothing jumped out at me when I was re-reading. Any ideas?
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:42PM
Niccea at 5:38AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 5,902
joined: 8-10-2007
I got nothing. *goes to the temple of BK with a slice of cake*
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:12PM
Hakoshen at 5:41AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 2,090
joined: 11-23-2008
This may be my only post for the work day, but:

Gazpacho - originated in Spain
Red Baron - originated in Germany

Could be a connection based on both being European.

Gazpacho is cold. Pilots wear those heavy coats because it's cold up there.

There's also the fact that there was the dispute between the baron and Ozone.

I'm starting to think that the Baron really DID kill Ozone.
God needed the Devil, the Beatles needed the Rolling Stones, Hakoshen needs me.
I'm the enemy he requires to define him.
Soon or later, he'll bring me back to life again for another epic encounter of shouting about power levels and grimacing.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:40PM
crocty at 5:52AM, Feb. 19, 2009
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
I'm not. :] Although you're acting awfully disingenuous in this thread crocty…
In what way?

I'm afraid I don't have much for the failed killing (for the Ripper)… the best bet is probably the ‘bad things always happen to me’ and ‘what did you expect, the town is full of bad people’ stuff. I can't think of anyone who was complaining about that much in the thread so far, and nothing jumped out at me when I was re-reading. Any ideas?
I think there's also the skipping part that is important, it doesn't seem like a normal thing to do, other than that, I can see nothing that is definitely a clue, so, the bad guy attitude and happy skipping thingy are probably what we need to be focusing on.
The two clues are almost opposites though, so it could be someone who had somehow completely changed in the thread, because, those two attitudes don't go together.
Although it might not be related to attitudes at all.
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:52AM

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