HA Stories

Stories & Storylines
fukujinzuke at 2:22PM, Feb. 11, 2010
posts: 282
joined: 9-3-2008
Ah, you're right. I've gone totally on a tangent there. Sorry.

So… I don't suppose death by boob suffocation in the fanservie chapter will be an issue anymore.

Oh no! tangent again! Disregard that last thing.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Sebastian_Sandberg at 5:12PM, Feb. 11, 2010
posts: 207
joined: 6-24-2009
Lol, isn't fan service supposed to please the readers and not the actors? As long as there is CPR administered in time. XD
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Abt_Nihil at 8:51AM, Feb. 12, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
Fuku (…) it's as you put it, canonical character usage.
Noooo, it was me! I introduced the term!! >:I
(Just kidding. I mean, I'm not kidding about the fact that I did, but… you know what I mean)

But on my last comment on the death card, it was far from an easy getaway card, a whole chapter sprung from that idea of a death on the team as well. But I more or less threw it in the trashcan.
Right. Let's not get hung up about eventual deaths. I'm not against letting characters die though. I'm just against considering it before posting even the first page of our epic ^_^

I think I'll go with a similar description as literacysucs1 when it came to Acrobat in the HU, as I see Virtus in HA. “The character is an alternate duplicate for crossover purposes.”
Hah! Lit always finds the right words… That's exactly what I wanted to get at when talking about Bombshell.

Thing is, I tend to use the character a lot more for crossovers than I've had the chance to do with him standing on his own two legs. And I'm just worrying that the HA version will turn out to be the defining perimeter for the character, and that those used to that version will not approve of the version that gets a bit more character development. Especially if the others want to print HA at some point.
Do you have an audience of your own hidden somewhere? I don't wanna be mean to our readers - I appreciate every one of them - but when making webcomics, I primarily think of my own interests, and rarely about the audience. The only real exception will be hardcore fans, because the very existence of them is enormously flattering. Well… the other exception being girls ^_^ I'll sell out in a heartbeat for female hardcore fans. No wait, that could come across the wrong way. You know… can the term hardcore still be used for something other than porn? Or is it just me? @_@
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
LuchaCoffee at 10:11PM, Feb. 13, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Yes Abt, it can be fanatical and I'm sure anyone of us would sell out for a nice conglomerate supported on just girls. and I'm a fan of Sebastian's stuff on Deviant Art.
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
ZananIV at 10:24PM, April 7, 2010
posts: 31
joined: 7-29-2009
Am I late too the party?

Dinosaurs being revived by an evil magical cult and empowered with vast mystical powers in a bid to lay siege to the American countryside and purge it of disbelievers? (3)

Hero, I think I have a good idea for a story that uses your proposal here as a base, would you mind if I used it?

The purpose of the story is

1) To establish how much the team needs coordination (I'm thinking a small team of secondary characters would be good to take center stage here)

2)Detailing the underlying fear of supers that Shell touches on, but with a more extreme reaction.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Hero at 4:44AM, April 8, 2010
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
Go for it. I wrote it to be written.
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Abt_Nihil at 10:42AM, April 8, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
ZananIV: Sure, I'd love to see that story fleshed out. Feel free to consult me, Sebastian_Sandberg and/or fukujinzuke about continuity stuff, or just post any questions you might have right here in the forums.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Sebastian_Sandberg at 1:02PM, April 8, 2010
posts: 207
joined: 6-24-2009
I've only written one story, Joachim. I think you and Fuku have a better idea of what happens in HA #3-4 than I have. XD
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
ZananIV at 5:13PM, April 8, 2010
posts: 31
joined: 7-29-2009
ZananIV: Sure, I'd love to see that story fleshed out. Feel free to consult me, Sebastian_Sandberg and/or fukujinzuke about continuity stuff, or just post any questions you might have right here in the forums.

Cool. I've got one

1) How is the HA organized? I'm thinking of this as a “side-story” and want to know if the characters are ordered to respond to this crisis (maybe because the core team is busy fighting some intergalactic threat) or just happen to be in the area.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Abt_Nihil at 2:55AM, April 9, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
I've only written one story, Joachim. I think you and Fuku have a better idea of what happens in HA #3-4 than I have. XD
Well, each of us has written one story, so I thought it was only fair ^_^

1) How is the HA organized? I'm thinking of this as a “side-story” and want to know if the characters are ordered to respond to this crisis (maybe because the core team is busy fighting some intergalactic threat) or just happen to be in the area.
I think for now it would be good if a team member was simply in the area. HU is not disbanded or anything, so I figure “intergalactic threats” would be handled by HU rather than HA. Being part of the UN, I imagine that HU can be a bureaucratic monster (something I tried to touch on in EGO), while HA can be a quick (even undercover) task force. There might be some informal links between HU and HA though - like, the HU Commander can't afford the hassle of long negotiations, so she gives Bombshell a hint, who would in turn take care of it with HA.

But, long story short, you go with what you like best, and we'll find a way to make it work :P
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
ZananIV at 3:15AM, April 9, 2010
posts: 31
joined: 7-29-2009
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Abt_Nihil at 4:35AM, April 18, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
While I've written some scenes for ch.3, some part are still in flux, so I thought I should make my thought process public in order to consult all of you and siphon your ideas! :P The following quotes came out of a PQ-exchange I had with Josh Holley:

…we'll have to come up with a bunch of villains for Bleeder and Bombshell to battle. As you can see on Bleeder's site, there are some demonic designs there, but we can really go with anything you'd like to draw. Might be something Mignola-ish, since it does take place in Germany :P (- so anything from demons to monsters to steampunk creatures might fit.) Initially I also thought of a leftist terrorist group, since the Nazi-groups have been done to death, and Germany did have its share of left terror groups in the 70s and 80s. Anyways, these are just rough concepts I'm throwing around, and any input at this stage would be appreciated.
Also, we can squeeze in some cameos by other HA/HU members. Again, this might depend on who you or our other artists would like to draw…
To elaborate: This does NOT mean that the supremacist group idea is abandoned, it just means I don't want to depict them in Germany. Maybe some of you have watched “The Baader Meinhof Complex” about the RAF in the 70s and 80s? I've never seen them depicted in the comics, but they've really been the most “influential” terrorist group in Germany since WWII. So I thought showing a Neo-RAF, an analogue to the Neo-Nazis we see so often in comics, would be in order!

Josh Holley
Going with a group other than the Nazis is a very good idea -and bringing the occult into it could be a LOT of fun… (I dunno Mr. Imp's origin, but it'd be funny if he thought he could reason with demons because he is one (?), or have Bleeder mistrust him because she faces so many demons.. -just a thought, fun tension…
I think that's a neat idea! What do the others think? How could Bleeder and Mr Imp play off each other?

Also, I thought maybe we could include Thrawn from Shades… this is supposed to be a crossover comic, right? :P And DAJB offered us to use his characters quite some time ago, I just never got around to including them, since I wanted them to be done right.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Hero at 8:40AM, April 18, 2010
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
It would be awesome if we could get Thrawn. I would love to see me some Hellboy-ish monster/demon fighting. But I am curious in how they're wrapped into this. Is this the same thing as “The Terrorists are dabbling in the occult” or is it a concurrent threat that compounds on the action? Cuz I think either could work.
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Abt_Nihil at 9:39AM, April 18, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
…But I am curious in how they're wrapped into this. Is this the same thing as “The Terrorists are dabbling in the occult” or is it a concurrent threat that compounds on the action? Cuz I think either could work.
I'm leaning toward the former, but while Nazis have a well established history with the occult, leftist terrorist groups do not. That'll have to be worked out.

And Thrawn is a go!

I don't know if you're worrying about cross-over continuity as between HA and the comics the characters are drawn from but, in case you are:

- Thrawn's appearance in Shades is supposed to be the first time he's crossed into the “real” world, so the events in HA should not take place before that.
- At the end of Shades, Thrawn will have been defeated (i.e. sent back to the demon realms), so one of your characters will have to bring him back!

Obviously, if you're not worried about continuity etc then none of that matters. For my part, I'm certainly not worried. I kind of miss the days when each comic could be read as a stand-alone slice of entertainment!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
LuchaCoffee at 5:50PM, April 18, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Cool that you were able to to get Thrawn in for HA, and didn't I suggest a supremacist group last time? :P

I myself like the thought of Thrawn being summoned by some terrorist group, who is thinking of writing it up?
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Abt_Nihil at 4:42AM, April 19, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
Cool that you were able to to get Thrawn in for HA, and didn't I suggest a supremacist group last time? :P
I was actually referring to YOUR suggestion :) As I wrote above, I'd like to keep the idea, but I don't want the group to be introduced with a German backdrop, for various reasons. Not only would it diminish their impact, since they'd be akin to common Neo-Nazis which we've seen a thousand times, but it would also rob me the chance of doing something original with a German backdrop.

I myself like the thought of Thrawn being summoned by some terrorist group, who is thinking of writing it up?
I actually got an idea overnight regarding their motivation to summon a demon. I'd still welcome ideas about HOW they'll do it though! :P
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
LuchaCoffee at 9:18AM, April 19, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Cool that you were able to to get Thrawn in for HA, and didn't I suggest a supremacist group last time? :P
I was actually referring to YOUR suggestion :) As I wrote above, I'd like to keep the idea, but I don't want the group to be introduced with a German backdrop, for various reasons. Not only would it diminish their impact, since they'd be akin to common Neo-Nazis which we've seen a thousand times, but it would also rob me the chance of doing something original with a German backdrop.

I myself like the thought of Thrawn being summoned by some terrorist group, who is thinking of writing it up?
I actually got an idea overnight regarding their motivation to summon a demon. I'd still welcome ideas about HOW they'll do it though! :P

I agree with you on the now wanting them to be introduced with a German backdrop since as you said, it's been kinda done :P, and what was the idea that you had? I'm sure it would make much more sense than anything I could think up :)
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Abt_Nihil at 10:24AM, April 19, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
…and what was the idea that you had? I'm sure it would make much more sense than anything I could think up :)
I don't wanna give it all away, but the general idea is that great catastrophes usually cause communities to move closer together and become more “social”. Think of great earthquakes, or the recent Tsunami. So the idea is that this terrorist group would want to cause a catastrophe in order to strengthen the community. I'm avoiding the words “communism” and “socialism”, but those would be the ultimate goals of such a group.

In a city like Berlin, natural disasters are hard to come by. Bombings and the like would not necessarily strengthen the community, it would rather create a common enemy (similar outcome, but without the warm/fuzzy feeling :P) while a natural disaster would. Unleashing a demon is as close to a natural disaster as you can get, methinks.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Hero at 12:02PM, April 19, 2010
posts: 456
joined: 1-3-2006
Well, as to how, they could always steal an ancient manifest from the ancient world from like a museum or government archive or something. That'd be a good way to get heroes involved before the demon is summoned itself. Or perhaps there's a member who's great, great etc grandparent was a witch or a warlock and they have some old magik-y dodads lying around. Or the internet. You can pretty much find anything nowdays on the internet. Cheese Llamas, instructions on summoning inter dimensional demons, recipes for coke s'mores….
K.A.L.A-Dan: Rival!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
LuchaCoffee at 7:38PM, April 19, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Well, as to how, they could always steal an ancient manifest from the ancient world from like a museum or government archive or something. That'd be a good way to get heroes involved before the demon is summoned itself. Or perhaps there's a member who's great, great etc grandparent was a witch or a warlock and they have some old magik-y dodads lying around. Or the internet. You can pretty much find anything nowdays on the internet. Cheese Llamas, instructions on summoning inter dimensional demons, recipes for coke s'mores….

Oh God, if you could find summoning ancient demons from the hellverse, I would soooo do it :D.

I like both of those ideas, and with the first one, that would really show off how a team would handle this sort of thing, especially if we are talking a pretty powerful demon.
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Abt_Nihil at 4:31AM, April 20, 2010
posts: 1,462
joined: 8-7-2007
Thanks for the suggestions! Considering that there's so much to set up in ch. 3, I'd really like to spare everyone the “break-in at the museum” scene :P

But I'll think about it.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
fukujinzuke at 10:59AM, April 20, 2010
posts: 282
joined: 9-3-2008
I think that's a neat idea! What do the others think? How could Bleeder and Mr Imp play off each other?

Demon thing aside, maybe we could… have Mr Imp, despite his normally smooth ways with the ladies, constantly deliver fail pick-up lines when it comes to Bleeder's hot self. It's like he's powerless against her or something like that.

Anyway, I don't think Mr Imp has any demonic background. He's fought zombies and I think that's the closest thing to the occult he has background on.

Imp: So we're up against the occult huh? No problem. I've whacked a bunch of zombies before.

Bleeder: Yeah? Well, this demon might be a little beyond zombies.

Imp: Pfft! How different could it be?

Demon bursts through solid concrete wall in high speed.

Bleeder: (powers up her demon hand) Well for one thing, they can do that.

Imp: Suddenly, the monotonous groaning and the stink of rotting flesh don't sound that bad.

Bleeder: If you don't get moving, that's exactly how you'll end up!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Sebastian_Sandberg at 12:21PM, April 20, 2010
posts: 207
joined: 6-24-2009
Fuku: Lol! It's a crime against nature if we can't get such a scene into this!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
Wes_Nero123 at 2:40PM, April 20, 2010
posts: 65
joined: 7-19-2006
@Fuku's stuff
That would be a wonderful scene!

Couple of bullet points for Imp:

-He's not a demon, but that won't stop him from trying to reason with one because he has a demonic theme.

-Fuku wrote him very well

-He DOES have a weakness with his transformations. If you hit him square in the face (and any transformation WILL have his face SOMEWHERE on it) he will revert back to his regular form.

-A mix of his overconfidence and continuous dialogue during battle sometimes makes him an easy target.

-He can get hurt and bleeds blood. Has a VERY minor healing factor just because of the fact he has so much control over his molecules.

-He's 18 years old (…kinda will explain in the origin.)
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
LuchaCoffee at 12:57PM, May 4, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
I Would like to see if I could write up a nice little team up with Azumorph, Kaine the White Shadow and Peligroso teaming up to fight against a threat (I'm kinda leaning toward AzuJODS's Zombie Queen villain since zombies are awsome, maybe try and see if I can get Mr. Imp in as well to try and add some comedy to it :D), I want to know if that would be alright to do if their creators would allow me to do so, and of course they would be the firsts to view it so anything could be changed if needed.

Please let me know.
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
AzuJOD at 11:46PM, May 4, 2010
posts: 376
joined: 8-14-2007
Go for it, man! Azu and Zombie Queen are good to go. Kaine should be good to go too (I helped work most of his details), so yeah.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
LuchaCoffee at 7:15AM, May 5, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Thanks AzuJOD :), I promise not to mess it up :D
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
LuchaCoffee at 10:28AM, May 6, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
I thought I would kinda put a little plot snyop for the story, so I could get some feedback on it.

My idea for the story is this: ZQ raises up a nice size army of the undead and goes on a rampage, using her powers and the multitude of zombies to attack a city (I'm not sure if it will be Peligroso's Newhaven, or Azumorphs hometown), but the call goes out for help, being that fighting off an army of undead is bad enough, try fighting the one controlling them, Out of nowhere would come Kaine in his human form and another hero (depending on which place I use for the main story) and they proceed to provide help and support, finally helping to take out ZQ's little army, She however will escape into the shadows, Promising to return and get her vengance against them.
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
AzuJOD at 9:36PM, May 6, 2010
posts: 376
joined: 8-14-2007
I think you're onto a winner there, sux!

As for Azumorph's hometown, he's originally from Sydney, but spends much of his time jumping from place to place doing superhero work. Another place he frequents would be Glass City, a city founded by scientists somewhere in the Australian outback. It's where the main Oz Stars base is located. I haven't fully fleshed out this idea yet…
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM
LuchaCoffee at 8:08AM, May 7, 2010
posts: 331
joined: 4-24-2007
Ah i got it, thanks for the compliment on the story, I think I know just exactly what to write.
I like my horror films like I love my burgers…Full of Cheese!!

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:16AM

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