What point, exactly, were they making by physically attacking an old man?
You also left out the part where they threw a milkshake at the guy's head and, upon it hitting him, this “nonviolent” crowd erupted in celebration. I'll give credit where it's due: one of the anti-Trump guys who'd been yelling at the old man moments before actually came to his aid to keep the mob from descending upon him, but he was the exception. The fact that all 10,000 people didn't get their hands on the victim
(did you expect them to form a queue?) hardly absolves them of guilt.
Video of the incident SOURCE: LBC Radio ('Leading Britain's Conversation')And it's not like this is an isolated incident. If it were, then maybe the public reaction would be overblown, but (presumably) leftist mobs have been attacking wrongthinkers on the street since Trump's presidential campaign.
Violent Anti-Trump Protests in San Jose, 2016 SOURCE: FOX NewsThe pattern of violence, along with the perception that most idea leaders on the left either tacitly tolerate violence or in other cases
actively encourage it, more than justifies public disgust at yet another violent mob behaving violently. That's not tribalism; at some point, you just have to call it what it is.
Also, I'm not sure what you meant by
'morally bankrupt people like Trump and their ilk.' Maybe in your social circles, saying
“Trump bad, left good” qualifies you for an instant Nobel Prize, but you'll need to try harder today. Unless you're willing to retract that slur, then I have to ask you to specify exactly what you meant, so I can understand. Because right now, I'm not convinced you had a point to make there.