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Latest artpieces I've made
Andreas_Helixfinger at 11:22PM, Nov. 13, 2021
posts: 395
joined: 3-16-2019

Been trying to expand the technique I use to draw Phetishverses. See if I can make it into something for my other webcomics. Here's a portrait of Molly. All drawn on Krita with Charcoal pencils on a black background just like I do for Phetishverses. What do you guys think?
Andreas_Helixfinger at 4:09AM, Nov. 14, 2021
posts: 395
joined: 3-16-2019

This is an artpiece I did just now. It's unrelated to the comics. It's based on this idea I'm working on for a novel set in a dark, dystopian setting. Starring the character you see here as protagonist.
last edited on Nov. 14, 2021 10:38AM
Andreas_Helixfinger at 9:45AM, Nov. 14, 2021
posts: 395
joined: 3-16-2019
Speaking of Phetishverses. I'm thinking about maybe changing format for that one somewhat. I have this idea for a story that's been growing in my head for many years. I'm thinking about maybe working that story into Phetishverses, turning it into an actual comic. I'll have to scribble on this, so we'll see how it turns out.
Avart at 6:47PM, Nov. 14, 2021
posts: 132
joined: 2-19-2017
Looking good!

The textured tool gives a more realistic, mature look. I don't know if you use different layers, but if that's the case, you could try using ‘multiply’ or ‘darken’ for the shadows and an aditional layer for highlights, this would increase the depth for your arts.

Nice work!
Andreas_Helixfinger at 8:28AM, Nov. 15, 2021
posts: 395
joined: 3-16-2019
Avart wrote:
Looking good!

The textured tool gives a more realistic, mature look. I don't know if you use different layers, but if that's the case, you could try using ‘multiply’ or ‘darken’ for the shadows and an aditional layer for highlights, this would increase the depth for your arts.

Nice work!

Thank you, Avart! And thank you again for the advice. I'll be sure to try that out for my next artpiece, maybe go back and use it on these ones👍
last edited on Nov. 15, 2021 8:52AM
L.C.Stein at 1:57PM, Nov. 15, 2021
posts: 109
joined: 10-2-2020
I love the portrait of Molly :D:D
Andreas_Helixfinger at 7:24PM, Nov. 15, 2021
posts: 395
joined: 3-16-2019
L.C.Stein wrote:
I love the portrait of Molly :D:D

Glad you like it:) As for the expression on Molly's face. I think that's her thinking:
"Oh shoot! This is my last cigarette! I'm going to have a berserker nicotine withdrawal soon after this!XD
hushicho at 3:32PM, Nov. 16, 2021
posts: 161
joined: 10-4-2007
Quite striking! I love how you're developing your style. It's so bold and really unforgettable.
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Andreas_Helixfinger at 4:26AM, Nov. 17, 2021
posts: 395
joined: 3-16-2019
hushicho wrote:
Quite striking! I love how you're developing your style. It's so bold and really unforgettable.

I feel very much encouraged and very flattered reading this from you, Hushicho:) Thank you:) I would love to do more like this. Possibly maybe incorporate this technique into my regular comic-making process. Might give my comics the face-lift that I feel that they need at the moment.
last edited on Nov. 17, 2021 4:28AM

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