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Motorvational Thread...
lothar at 5:58PM, Sept. 20, 2023
posts: 1,800
joined: 1-3-2006
Let's say what we did today or what motivated you. Stuff like comic and art production or whatever. Maybe you build a chicken coop or fix the sink in the bathroom. Or make comics
Ozoneocean at 8:23PM, Sept. 20, 2023
posts: 29,092
joined: 1-2-2004
I'm finishing a comic page :D
Andreas_Helixfinger at 2:19AM, Sept. 21, 2023
posts: 436
joined: 3-16-2019
At work today I felt motivated to stop worrying about my writing, stop trying to predict what's gonna happen storywise, stop trying to be perfect, and instead try and see if just focusing on the drawing and uploading I can actually draw three pages from different comics in a week and have all those comics update the next week routinely. After all I was never good at following my own scripts anyway^^
bravo1102 at 3:39AM, Sept. 21, 2023
posts: 6,308
joined: 1-21-2008
Windows added jigsaw puzzles to the games package!
And you can create puzzles from your own images. All the fleshtones in a NSFW image makes for some really challenging puzzles.
lothar at 5:09AM, Sept. 21, 2023
posts: 1,800
joined: 1-3-2006
Nice, Ozone

Bravo: Hahahaha…. Wish I could try that but all my computers have the little message telling me to register windows at the bottom right corner of the scene.

Totally, Hex, I recently decided to stop spending so much time on my sketchbooks cuz I'm now on book 43. Instead I'm just trying to actually make comic pages.

Today I discovered a guy named Ralph Bakshi. I guess he made some cartoons back in the 70s I'm gonna check em out. Looks pretty cool.
Andreas_Helixfinger at 8:32AM, Sept. 21, 2023
posts: 436
joined: 3-16-2019
Thinking about it again. That was probably just my brain drooling over what reality can't digest:P But it felt motivational when I was thinking about it:P I should get my bike fixed. Got the bike chain stretched, but the hind wheel is leaning. If I can get it fixed, that would feel very motivational cause then I could ride my bike again feeling proud that I fixed it on my own for once:)
last edited on Sept. 21, 2023 8:47AM
lothar at 8:46PM, Sept. 21, 2023
posts: 1,800
joined: 1-3-2006
I wish I had a bike. My bike got contorted by the snow and now I have to rely on borrowing others bikes which I end up leaving in places around town.

I penciled 5 pages today. It took me about 4 hours but I also took a bath during that time.
memo333 at 1:47PM, Sept. 27, 2023
posts: 160
joined: 1-12-2006
we will all stop to breathe someday.

and thats inevitable.

so why wait to have a “perfect” manga/story

u cant.

and who cares really..theres a saturated content of information on the web

is not that ur story is bad or that theres a lot of distractions

if make ur story that u were lucky, or have money ..or give lots of effort.

i make my manga because i want too. i dont care to impress others, i care to impress ME.

All my stuff here:

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